23 Male TV Characters That Have Perfected The Look™

Every successful and popular romantic pairing on a show owes some of its thanks to the way the male counterpart pulled off the trademark emotional look.

11 TV Characters Who Deserve A Drink

National Margarita Day is here and our focus can't help but go to the fictional TV characters who might deserve a drink right about now.

17 TV Singles We Would Like To Date

In honor of Singles Awareness Day, there is nothing like showing appreciation for the single TV characters that we would love to date ourselves.

13 Superpowered Individuals and Career Paths They Should've Chosen

People with special abilities should have jobs that are in sync with their powers, but they usually don't. But if they did, which day jobs would match their skillsets?

13 TV Diners To Get The Best Slice of Pie

There is no better way to ring in National Pie Day than to imagine which TV diners (and restaurants) would serve us our favorite dessert.

23 of the Most Enviable TV Hugs EVER!

There is no celebrating National Hugging Day without looking back at all the TV hugs we wish we could have been a part of in some way.

45 Characters Getting Coal for Christmas

Naughty or nice? We put together a list of characters that have been so bad this year they deserve nothing more than a lump of coal in their stockings.