Criminal Minds Review: Tragic Parenting 101

Criminal Minds Review: Tragic Parenting 101

On Criminal Minds this week, BAU is called to investigate the deaths of victims who are all wearing watches that are set to the wrong time. Meanwhile, the photographer stalking the BAU shows up at Blake's class.
Posted in: Criminal Minds
Southland Review: Better Than You

Southland Review: Better Than You

Tensions between Cooper and Steele come to a head while Lydia investigates the murder of a female boxer's husband, and Sherman's friend Mendoza's shooting leads to an unexpected suspect on Southland.
Posted in: Reviews
Arrow Review: Felicity Gets Collared

Arrow Review: Felicity Gets Collared

Oliver and Diggle are in the dating game on Arrow, as Felicity lets her hair down with disastrous consequences. Check out the review for a rundown.
Posted in: Arrow