I've never seen a bulge in the front of a man's pants before.


When I set my mind to something, anything's possible.


Neil: Well, Chris, looks like another day of nobody joining us for lunch.
Chris: Yeah, we never should have let that blind girl touch our faces.

You know, this is great guys. Drinking and eating garbage. I'm glad we all took a mental health day.


Cleveland: Some things are my business. You don't tell me when you play with yourself.
Peter: If you check my Twitter feed, I wouldn't have to.

Shut up, hat, that's my brother. They're not gonna mess with him. He's the man. He's got real Griffin beef in his trousers.


They have security guards in the bathroom. We live in such a culture of fear now.


Stewie: Oh my God. They just elected him out of pity, because they think he's mentally challenged.
Brian: Kind of like we did with George W. Bush, huh? Right?
Stewie: [loud sigh] I guess. I guess, Brian. I don't...I don't know. Let's just watch some commercials now.

Amazing. One second of a stranger's voice on a phone, and you've got full Bollywood.


Lois (answers door): Huh, there's no one there. Must've been some kids knocking.
Joe: Down here, Lois.
Lois: Oh. For God's sake, Joe. Can't you put a "tall" flag on the back of your chair or something?
Joe: I apologize for the difficulty my paralysis causes you.

Brian: You know, Padma, I love Indian food, but I have to say my least favorite Curry is Ann. [laughs] She's a newscaster here. I wish I could have slipped that in earlier.
Padma: Oh, no, I know her. She's internationally despised.

People in love can overcome anything.


Family Guy Quotes

Aunt Margarite [on her video will]: Lois, you were always my favorite niece; I just knew you would find a wonderful man who would make all your dreams come true. But I was wrong.
Peter: And now you're dead. Score one for Peter

But now that you mention it, your face looks like a used condom.
