Luke: How many moms does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Phil: How many?
Luke: None because she's got you to do that sucker.

Cam: Sweetie what's your name?
Girl: Blanche.
Cam: Shut up really? Mitchell would die.

Manny: Hello Ma'am, do you love Christmas?
Neighbor: Actually I'm Jewish.
Manny: Well then you must appreciate a good value.

For the record, I am not a neat freak. In fact in my first long term relationship I was the messy one, which is why she broke up with me...well...


I've always said that if my son thinks of me as one of his idiot friends, I've succeeded as a dad.


When I get home I'm gonna scrub this place like it's a crime scene, which it is because you murdered joy.


Jay, I'm gonna need you to cut me a check.


Consider yourself lucky you didn't just get, like, felt up by your mom.


Luke: The other day Uncle Mitchell brought over a bag of junk food so he and Cam could do a Jew fast.
Phil: Juice fast?
Luke: I'm pretty sure he said Jew.

Turns out I've had my super-Dunphy all along.


I let down my mom and dad today. And even worse, I let down my teacher.


Are you happy? You have reduced me to a person who eats a shoe.

Gloria [to Jay]

Modern Family Season 3 Quotes

Look I'm the horse whisperer but something is making this one skittish!

Gloria [screaming]

Cam: You hate her sparkly outfit, don't you?
Mitchell: No I told you it was fine, I just didn't like you wearing a matching one.