Marge, it'll cost eighty-five hundred dollars! We only have five hundred in the bank, and that leaves... eighty-hundred we need.


Smithers: I prepared a special musical number for Jack's special night.
Smithers: There is a man.
Chorus: There is a man!
Smithers: A certain man.
Chorus: A certain man!
Smithers: A man whose grace and handsome face are known across the land. You know his name.
Chorus: You know his name!
Smithers: It's Mr. Burns.
Chorus: It's Mr. Burns!
Smithers: He loves a smoke, enjoys a joke.
Mr. Burns & Chorus: Ah ha ha ha!
Smithers: Why he's worth ten times what he earns.
Chorus: He's Mr. Burns!
Mr. Burns: I'm Mr. Burns!
Smithers: He's Monty Burns!
Mr. Burns: I'm MR. Burns!
Smithers & Chorus: To friends he's known as Monty, but to you it's Mr. Burns!
Smithers: Bur-bur-bur-bur-Burns.
Mr. Burns: Burns!

Now, Marge, just remember. If something goes wrong at the plant,
blame the guy who can't speak English.


Marge: You can't fire me just because I'm married. I'm gonna sue the pants off you!
Mr. Burns: You don't have to sue me to get my pants off.

Marge: Maybe you'd get promoted if you worked a little harder.
Homer: Are you kidding? I work like a Japanese beaver.
Marge: Oh, really? I came to see you three times today. Twice you were sleeping and once you were kicking that ball of electrical tape around.
Homer: Well! I won't sleep in the same bed with a woman who thinks I'm lazy. I'm going to go right downstairs, unfold the couch, unroll the sleeping ba (gets back into bed) Eh, good-night.

Smithers: This resume is very impressive. Let me be the first to say "Abibu gazini".
Marge: What?
Smithers: Welcome aboard. I guess my Swahili's not as good as yours.

Marge: What do I do?
Smithers: Heh, heh, heh. Marge, please! According to your resume, you invented this machine.

Mr. Burns: I must have her! Smithers, zoom in. Closer! Closer! Closer, dammit!
(the camera hits Marge in the head)
Marge: Ow!
Mr. Burns: Too close.

Edna: Well, then, you're ready for your make-up test.
Bart: Ohhhhhh! My ovaries.

Grampa: Have you ever read "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"?
Bart: I glanced at it. Boy cries wolf, has a few laughs I forget how it ends.

(Krusty is being attacked by some sort of giant bird.)
Animal Specialist: She must think you are after her eggs.
Krusty: I only ate one!

Bart, to avoid this test, you've had smallpox, the bends, and that unfortunate bout of Tourette's syndrome.


The Simpsons Season 4 Quotes

Marge: Homer, you do remember your promise to the children?
Homer: Sure do. When you're eighteen, you're out the door!

Marge: Lisa, watch out for poison ivy. Remember, leaves of three, let it be.
Homer: Leaves of four, eat some more! (Laughs)