Man: Hello, I'm calling from Delinquent Accounts at Kumatsu Motors.
Homer: Oh, you want the Mr. Plow who plows driveways. This is Tony Plow, you know, from Leave It To Beaver.... Yeah they were gay.

(rapping) I'm Mr. Plow and I'm here to say, I'm the plowingest guy in the USA. I got a big plow and I move a lot of things, just like your cow if you have one!


Woman: Could you make sure not to scrape my asphalt?
Homer: Kiss my asphalt...

Repo Guy: Hello this is the Repo Depot, I'm just calling to distract you while we reposess your plow.
Homer: Oh yeah, how dumb do you think I... oh.

Moe: Linda Ronstadt?! How did you get her?
Barney: Ah, we've been looking for a project to do together for a while.

Could this record-breaking heat wave be the result of the dreaded Greenhouse Effect? Well, if 70-degree days in the middle of winter are the "price" of car pollution, forgive me if I keep my old Pontiac.

Kent Brockman

Homer, I don't use the word "hero" very often, but you are the greatest hero in American history.

Lionel Hutz

Ivana Tinkel, Ivana Tinkel! Okay, everyone put down your glasses, Ivana Tinkel!


Hutz: Mrs. Simpson, in your own words, please tell us what happened after you and your husband were ejected from the restaurant.
Marge: We pretty much went straight home.
Hutz: Remember, Mrs. Simpson, you're still under oath.
Marge: We drove around until 3:00 in the morning looking for another open all-you-can-eat seafood restaurant.
Hutz: And when you couldn't find any?
Marge: (crying) We went fishing!
Hutz: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, do these sound like the actions of a man who's had ALL he could eat?
Fat Juror: That could have been me!

Laura: Are you all right?
Bart's Brain: She's beautiful. Say something clever.
Bart: I fell on my bottom.
Bart's Brain: D'oh!

Ruth: I actually had some doubts about moving to Springfield, especially
after that TIME cover story, "America's Worst City."
Marge: You could see our house in that photo!

Grampa: Bart, oh you remembered my birthday?
Bart: Huh? Oh, I sure did! Here's a bus schedule.
Grampa: Wow, fits right in my pocket.

The Simpsons Season 4 Quotes

Marge: Homer, you do remember your promise to the children?
Homer: Sure do. When you're eighteen, you're out the door!

Marge: Lisa, watch out for poison ivy. Remember, leaves of three, let it be.
Homer: Leaves of four, eat some more! (Laughs)