Amy: Hey, Sandra. Listen. I know Dina's been all over the place, but just trust me. It was for a good reason.
Sandra: Was it her? Was it bad?
Dina: Almost.
Sandra: Is it over?
Dina: It's over.

Dina: What are you doing now? Are you gonna kill Sandra's cat?
Amy: Dina, she's not gonna kill the-
Carol: I'm gonna kill the cat!

Mateo: You sure you want all this? I hate doing this to you.
Eric: This is not something you're doing to me. This is something we're doing to each other.

Amy: This is really awkward, but I have to fire you from Sandra's wedding.
Jonah: Aw, man. I get zero perks from dating the boss.

Look, man. You don't have to prove anything. It's just that you're in a different phase in your life right now and that's okay.


Amy: I need to give this to Mateo.
Marcus: I knew you were going to pick one of your favorites! This whole interview process was a fake.
Amy: No! I mean, yes, but not for the reasons you think.

Amy: I can't just pick Mateo without everyone thinking I'm playing favorites the way they thought I was giving you special treatment just because you're my boyfriend.
Jonah: You know what? I'm tired of everybody thinking of me as just your boyfriend, okay? Even Garrett sees me like that. He thinks I spend all of my time with you and the kids.
Amy: Well, I mean, you kinda do.
Jonah: Come on!
Amy: But, if you wanna, like, spend more time with your boys, I'd be totally cool with that. Do you have boys?
Jonah: Yes! Yes, I have boys. I have lots of boys. Shane. Grant. Julian.
Amy: Julian, Emma's French tutor?
Jonah: We connected! We both love the cuisine!

I know it wasn't the plan, but I think you'll be really happy with him.


Amy: I don't give Jonah special treatment.
Justine: It's not just Jonah. It's all your favorites.

Howard: Maybe it was a good thing that I left. Otherwise, you wouldn't be the strong woman you are today.
Dina: Yeah. I hadn't thought about it that way.

Amy: What a waste of money. We would spend it so much better. I still love the idea of a vacation.
Jonah: Wow, you're really stuck on this vacation thing. If there's something you're planning on asking me-
Amy: I hate this.
Jonah: You can do it right here in town.
Amy: Please stop.

Amy: I just hope you don't go around giving away chunks of our money for the rest of our lives.
Jonah: The rest of our lives, huh?
Amy: What? No. I meant like for the rest long this is.
Jonah: No, I get it. However long this is. Which if you have your way will be one million years.
Amy: Oh, shut up.

Superstore Quotes

It was nice of corporate to wait an entire week before they reminded us we're just as replaceable as Mateo.


Jonah: I think he likes Taylor Swift.
Cheyenne: No, he's back to hating her again.