Amy: It's just that Josh is really hard on Jonah and I was just getting a little protective. And I get it. That the med school lie was nuts, but you know, it was one lie. And it didn't hurt anybody, because Jonah doesn't hurt people. He's...he's good.
Marilyn: You really care for him.

Amy and I just had a lovely talk in the bathroom. You know, what she and Jonah have is something really very special. I deserve someone who loves me like that. We'll talk later. Just letting you know, I want a divorce.


Jonah: Where's Tommy's number?
Cheyenne: Oh, he didn't want to put it on there. He thinks you're a spy for Gateway Subs. Like, you're a nark or something.

Amy: Look, we don't need an HR rep hanging around here auditing us, writing everyone up for all the little things I let slide. Like, visible tattoos, and the pictures you put in your lockers, and unbuttoning your pants at lunch.
Marcus: To let air in so the mold doesn't come back. It's called hygiene!

Justine: You're buying Carol lunch? So, she gets rewarded for traumatizing Sandra.
Sayid: So, that's how it works? Hey, Sandra. I'm going to slice you open while you sleep. I'll take a smoothie, please.

Amy: This isn't a joke. She finished her therapy and she's been cleared to come back to work.
Dina: So, after everything she's done she can just waltz back in here and wear the blue vest. The only vest she should be wearing is one with black and white stripes.
Amy: Like a referee?
Dina: No, like a jail vest. Like, a vest you wear in jail.

Sandra: Oh, you think I should apologize?
Carol: Well, you almost made me kill my cat.
Sandra: I did that?
Carol: You stole Jerry from me, you rubbed your wedding in my face for months, and then you asked me to be your maid of honor? i mean, that was just cruel.
Sandra: You told me I had to.
Carol: I don't know, Amy. It seems like she's not ready to take responsibility.

Amy: Okay Parker, here you go! Don't worry about Rose, you just focus on your game.
Jonah: Come on, Parker! Eat her alive!

Sayid: He still uses a pacifier? So you're not worried about dental problems? Speech delays? Looking lame?
Amy: No! He'll give it up when he's ready.
Jonah: Yeah...yeah. We decided to let him keep it. Even though those are all valid points.
Amy: I thought we were on the same page about this. Are you the one taking his pacifiers?
Jonah: I was gonna give them back when he learned moderation.

Every night we give him a bath. We read him stories. We sing him to sleep in his crib.


He looked like a really good dad.


Amy: Yeah, I think maybe you don't want to post those. Cause of like, optics, right? I mean, it could come off that Zephra employees get paid so little that they rely on charity.
Isabel: Oh! I don't really think anyone's connecting those dots.

Superstore Quotes

It was nice of corporate to wait an entire week before they reminded us we're just as replaceable as Mateo.


Jonah: I think he likes Taylor Swift.
Cheyenne: No, he's back to hating her again.