Andreas: I don’t want to get caught up in any of his mess.
Lucca: Yeah, but you were on a flight with him before his arrest.
Andreas: It was a mid-flight haircut. He knew he was being arrested. He wanted to look good. Plus, prison haircuts are just brutal.

Lucca: Do you ever feel like this is getting out of hand? Like the more we dig, the more there is to dig.
Jay: I don’t know, but what can we do but keep digging.

There is another way to look at this. Everybody loves a puzzle – I get that. Everybody loves the secret word that solves everything, but let’s not call conspiracy something that could just as easily be described as incompetence. Look, I had workers come to my house every week, every damn week, to fix a broken faucet. They said they fixed it. About a week goes by, and I have to call somebody else to fix their work. That’s not a conspiracy; that is incompetence. People do just enough work to get by. So the camera was broken out of Epstein’s cell, incompetence. The guards were surfing the web and then fell asleep, incompetence. The prison didn’t secure the crime scene, incompetence. I mean that is America.


Lucca: We do think we’ve deciphered the numbers in the envelope.
Diane: Really? What?
Lucca: Jay.
Jay: We think Lady M.S. refers to Lady Morgan Sidney in a sci-fi novel about sex slaves called “Space Relations.”
Liz: What?

Liz: What are you saying?
Diane: We all have to obey the law. If we’re told the check in with the police every 90 days, we do it. But certain people don’t have to. They’re given special treatment. Epstein had friends in high places, and then they stopped being friends, and they started worrying about him. That’s why he’s dead.
Adrian: I’m so glad you don’t believe in conspiracy theories.
Diane: That is America. That is not incompetence. There is a special fucking off-ramp for the well connected.

We’re sorry that we’ve been away so long. And now we know that what we did was wrong. If it’ll ease your apprehension, we promise not to mention censorship in China in this song. Starting now.

The Good Fight Short

Lucca: I meant to bring it up at dinner.
Bianca: But you didn’t for some reason. I don’t understand what’s going on. Suddenly, you’re tongue-tied and you’re hesitant. I know our friendship is 10 minutes old, but I don’t think this is you.
Lucca: It’s not, usually. I have no trouble talking about my clients’ money, obviously, but my own, it just… it feels wrong.
Bianca: Well, get over it.
Lucca: I don’t think I can. We’re friends and you have this wealth, and it’s uncomfortable to talk about or ask about or anything about.
Bianca: It’s just money.
Lucca: Not to people who don’t have it. Money defines people. I can’t do what you do or go where you go or buy what you buy. That’s the great divide, and it’s hard to get over.
Bianca: I’m on your side.
Lucca: I know, and I want to be one yours.

Associate: You’re attacking a repressed minority, and we think Reddick Boseman of all firms should know better.
Liz: I understand.
Associate: Then why are you doing it?
Adrian: Because it’s a strategy.
Associate: Hate isn’t a strategy.
Adrian: This is not hate.
Assistant: You can’t pit women’s rights against trans rights.
Associate: There is an epidemic of transgender violence.
Assistant: Especially women of color getting attacked and murdered.

Ain’t science great? I’m sitting up here, listening to doctors give expert testimony about things I barely understand, and just because I’m wearing this black nightgown, I get to decide which girl’s heart gets broken. I mean does anybody else want this job because I sure as hell don’t.

Judge Brickner

Adrian: The DNC came to my office this morning. They asked me – I mean this is bizarre. They want me to run for president. I know, I know.
Charlotte: When?
Adrian: 2024.
Charlotte: Are they crazy?
Adrian: They don’t think I’ll become president. They just want a black person up on stage…
Charlotte: Ah, so they asking a lot of people.
Adrian: You are really cutting into my self-esteem, Charlotte.

David Lee: Where’s the money now?
Lucca: Where is it?
David Lee: Yes, bank account? Cashier’s check? It’s not in your freezer.
Lucca: No, I don’t exactly have it yet.
David Lee: You don’t have it yet?
Lucca: No, not yet. The other people in this game…
David Lee: They’re deadbeats.
Lucca: No, they’re rich. What?
David Lee: Lucca, I work with the rich. They promise everything and give you nothing.
Lucca: That’s not who these women are.
David Lee: Why because they’re rich and powerful. The rich and powerful think their God’s gift because everyone treats them like God’s gift. They get their hotel rooms comped. They get gift rooms where they can take anything. Their meals are bought by everyone else. You already got you million and a half in their smiles and their charms. That’s your winnings.

Visitor: Ah, the two thorns in my side.
Diane: My husband says hello.
Visitor: Here’s the thing about melodramatic moves like this: They never work. When I copy something I see in the movies, I just get hurt.
Julius: Is that a threat?
Visitor: I’ll be seeing you two.

The Good Fight Quotes

Bad things happen to good people.


Maia: Are we on the right side on this one?
Diane: We're on a necessary side. People I thought with all my heart were guilty turned out to be innocent and people I thought were saints, they weren't. That's why you don't go on instinct. You wait, you listen and watch. Eventually everyone reveals himself.