Lucca: God, I’m gonna miss you guys. I’m gonna miss this. It made me smile. I didn’t smile much before you guys.
Marissa: I smiled all the time, but I didn’t mean it.
Jay: So this is goodbye.
Marissa: I think I’m crying, so probably.
Lucca: I have to go. This is getting too emotional. Goodbye.
Marissa: Goodbye, Lucca. You were one of the best.
Lucca: No, but together we really were.

Liz: My guess is the Biden administration will be better for Black businesses?
Adrian: Will you replace me?
Diane: I think the big question is how you’re replacing me.
Liz: Well, it’s not my intention.
Diane: I can’t change the color of my skin.
Liz: I know.
Diane: I’m going to fight for my partnership.
Liz: I know.

Liz: You sure you know what you’re doing?
Adrian: No, but I’m all about improvisation, right? What about you two?
Liz: Well, it’s going to be interesting.
Adrian: Liz, Diane is a terrific lawyer, but this firm belongs to you. Your dad built it. He did Liz, despite all his faults. You got to run this place the way you want. This is a Black firm. After today, the world needs Black firms. You got me?
Liz: I got it.

Diane: You don’t have to stay here. Watch FOX in the other room.
Kurt: I’m fine. I th5ink you need it more.
Diane: Yes, but Kurt, if you stay, I know this isn't sensible, but Trump seems to get more votes when you’re sitting on this couch.
Kurt: Are you serious?
Diane: I am so deathly serious. Whenever you’re sitting here, Arizona goes for Trump. Humor me. Just go in the other room. No, no, no kiss. If you kiss me, we’ll lose Georgia.
Kurt: Uh, if you lose, we’ll be fine, right?
Diane: Kurt, let me just say this. I’m only saying that I won’t be fine, so the universe will grant me a win.
Kurt: Understand.

Lucca: If I kill someone tonight, I will hire you to defend me but only if you get a degree and pass the bar.
Marissa: Really? You’d hire me if you killed someone?
Lucca: I might go out tonight and kill someone.
Marissa: I love you too. Why are you leaving here? I’ll miss you.
Lucca: Because they won’t pay me what I deserve. Anyway, I thought they fired you.
Marissa: But they didn’t mean it. It’s like the smoothie place. They kept trying to fire me, and I just kept showing up.

Diane: Past performance does not predict future results.
Liz: Especially with us. I mean we lost ChumHum, we had the fallout from my dad. Let us not forget why we joined STR Laurie in the first place.
Adrian: Liz, it’s our only move. Now, we are building revenue every day. Now, you say you got Dincon engaged. If we don’t get out from STR Laurie, ain’t no telling what’s next. They don’t value our work, our employees, our history, or our culture. They want us for their black faces on their diversity reports.

Julius: If that’s so, what do I do?
Diane: Fight.

Diane: You gave me pro bono cases to keep my billable hours low.
Firth: I also knew you’d be good at it too.
Diane: You fucker.
Firth: Diane, name calling? We’re all on the same side.
Diane: You set me up just to keep us from leaving.
Firth: I’m a jealous boss. I don’t want you to leave; I want to cling close to you like a vine. Also, I kind of like the look on your face that you were outplayed. The Zen master said that in every experience there is a lesson. And the lesson here is that you three are fucked.

Lucca: We do think we’ve deciphered the numbers in the envelope.
Diane: Really? What?
Lucca: Jay.
Jay: We think Lady M.S. refers to Lady Morgan Sidney in a sci-fi novel about sex slaves called “Space Relations.”
Liz: What?

Liz: Anyone named BUD?
Lawyer: No, but I heard him mention BUD a few times.
Liz: In what context?
Lawyer: Look, I’ll tell you if you promise you’ll take down Dershowitz.
Diane: Why? Is he BUD?
Lawyer: No, but I still hate his guts. The guy would sell his grandmother to suck up to the rich and famous. And for the purposes of any potential lawsuits, that is just my opinion, not a statement of facts.

Marissa: OK, so this is how all mysteries end, don’t they – empty, pointless, stupid.
Jay: We’re the stupid ones for obsessing on BUD. It probably had nothing to do with it, just a nickname or something or someone.
Marissa: Yeah, I think we lost track of the real story: the underage girls. We were chasing a whodunit in the middle of a tragedy.

Lucca: Do you ever feel like this is getting out of hand? Like the more we dig, the more there is to dig.
Jay: I don’t know, but what can we do but keep digging.

The Good Fight Quotes

Bad things happen to good people.


Maia: Are we on the right side on this one?
Diane: We're on a necessary side. People I thought with all my heart were guilty turned out to be innocent and people I thought were saints, they weren't. That's why you don't go on instinct. You wait, you listen and watch. Eventually everyone reveals himself.