Diane: I don’t understand. What is this?
Marissa: I have no idea.
Diane: Then why are you arguing here? Why are you arguing at all? You’re not a lawyer.
Marissa: If I didn’t argue, we were going to lose.
Diane: Lose what? This is not a courtroom in the back of a copy coop, and what is William Schultz doing there?
Marissa: He’s representing the plaintiff.
Diane: I’m losing my mind. Look, this is not legal. We’ve got to get out of here.
Toni: No, I don’t want to.
Diane: Toni, whatever happens here, it’s irrelevant. It doesn’t matter if we win or lose.
Toni: Look, those are some of the other parents suing me. They’re seeing how this case goes.
Diane: Which is why we don’t want to lose her.
Toni: So let’s not. Look, I like this judge. He’s better than the judges in real court.
Diane: That’s the point. It’s not real.
Toni: Diane, what is real? I have spent the last eight months going from one deposition to another, and nothing ever happens. It just keeps getting delayed and pushed, and I can’t get on with my life. This is reality to me. I want you to win the case here.

Diane: We need a continuance on Toni Hedger’s case.
Marissa: Really? I get to argue a continuance?
Diane: No, you get to accompany Phoebe who will argue the continuance, and you get to hold the client’s hand.

Liz: While I recognize that you just had a victory in court, the long-term reputation of this firm matters a whole lot more to me than short-term wins.
Carmen: That makes sense.
Liz: I’m not going to ask you any questions about what you may or may not have done. You’re a capable lawyer, clearly. That’s why you were hired. This is just a reminder that you are to conduct yourself in a manner of all times that does not put this firm at risk. This is the only reminder you’re going to get. Do you have any questions.
Carmen: I’m just listening.
Liz: You really don’t give a shit what people think about you, do you?
Carmen: I’m here to do a good job for my clients. I think I did that for Mr. Rivi, and since he wants me to be the only to represent him, I’ll focus on that.
Liz: OK, we’re done.
Carmen: Thank you.

Liz: My guess is the Biden administration will be better for Black businesses?
Adrian: Will you replace me?
Diane: I think the big question is how you’re replacing me.
Liz: Well, it’s not my intention.
Diane: I can’t change the color of my skin.
Liz: I know.
Diane: I’m going to fight for my partnership.
Liz: I know.

Liz: You sure you know what you’re doing?
Adrian: No, but I’m all about improvisation, right? What about you two?
Liz: Well, it’s going to be interesting.
Adrian: Liz, Diane is a terrific lawyer, but this firm belongs to you. Your dad built it. He did Liz, despite all his faults. You got to run this place the way you want. This is a Black firm. After today, the world needs Black firms. You got me?
Liz: I got it.

Adrian: I can’t tell you how I know this, but the judge in Julius’s case…
Diane: Judge Hazelwood?
Adrian: Just let me talk. It’s better if you don’t say anything. There was a discussion about using the case into pressuring Julius into taking a deal.
Diane: A discussion with whom?
Adrian: I really shouldn’t know this, but I do. I checked the internet history.
Diane: If you tell me, I will use it.
Adrian: And that is why I’m taking a minute right now.

Adrian: OK, come on, let’s talk this out.
Charlotte: You made your choice Adrian. Julius Cain over me.
Adrian: This was about right and wrong, Charlotte.
Charlotte: Well, maybe you can ask him to move in and suck your dick.
Adrian: It was about getting you to recuse yourself.
Charlotte: Oh come on. Fuck. You listened in on my Zoom calls. You checked my emails.
Adrian: Emails from some motherfucker who would destroy your career and wreck this relationship, Charlotte, some Trump administration stooge.
Charlotte: For god’s sake, your friend Julius is the Trump administration stooge. He is a fucking Republican judge.
Adrian: He was also a partner at a law firm I helped build for five years. This is work I have dedicated my whole fucking life to.
Charlotte: You said the choice was between right and wrong.
Adrian: Listen.
Charlotte: Turning over my emails was the choice.
Adrian: Oh god. Listen to me, I love you.
Charlotte: It’s too late, Adrian.

Lucca: If I kill someone tonight, I will hire you to defend me but only if you get a degree and pass the bar.
Marissa: Really? You’d hire me if you killed someone?
Lucca: I might go out tonight and kill someone.
Marissa: I love you too. Why are you leaving here? I’ll miss you.
Lucca: Because they won’t pay me what I deserve. Anyway, I thought they fired you.
Marissa: But they didn’t mean it. It’s like the smoothie place. They kept trying to fire me, and I just kept showing up.

Jay: What did I forget?
Frederick Douglass: Are you going out to the world with your hair looking like that?
Jay: Things have changed. It’s not called the natural anymore.
Frederick Douglass: I’ve been watching our people’s progress, and I’m quite familiar with the natural. I’m also aware that it’s worn as an outer expression of pride and dignity.
Jay: You seriously think my hairstyle will impact race relations?

Charlotte: Are you sure you want to do this?
Adrian: We’re sheltering in place. Why not together?
Charlotte: You could end up hating me.
Adrian: That’s a risk.
Charlotte: Or I could end up hating you.
Adrian: No way in the world. I’m too loveable.

Adrian: I’m writing the book I want to write. You all do what you want to do. Now is not the time to talk positively.
Ruth: Adrian, just listen to me. I saw what happened too. I saw it, but the only way to bring change is to not give into anger.
Adrian: You’re kidding me? Giving into anger is the only sane response right now. Understand? Look at that.
Ruth: I understand. You’re not hearing me.
Adrian: Look at the fricking screen.
Ruth: You think I didn’t see it?
Adrian: Are you hearing me? Are you watching?
Ruth: Listen to me…
Adrian: Don’t tell me I’m not listening. You have nothing to say to me right now. Goddammit, nothing. Stop talking and listen.

Diane: You don’t have to stay here. Watch FOX in the other room.
Kurt: I’m fine. I th5ink you need it more.
Diane: Yes, but Kurt, if you stay, I know this isn't sensible, but Trump seems to get more votes when you’re sitting on this couch.
Kurt: Are you serious?
Diane: I am so deathly serious. Whenever you’re sitting here, Arizona goes for Trump. Humor me. Just go in the other room. No, no, no kiss. If you kiss me, we’ll lose Georgia.
Kurt: Uh, if you lose, we’ll be fine, right?
Diane: Kurt, let me just say this. I’m only saying that I won’t be fine, so the universe will grant me a win.
Kurt: Understand.

The Good Fight Quotes

Bad things happen to good people.


Maia: Are we on the right side on this one?
Diane: We're on a necessary side. People I thought with all my heart were guilty turned out to be innocent and people I thought were saints, they weren't. That's why you don't go on instinct. You wait, you listen and watch. Eventually everyone reveals himself.