Leverage Reviews

Leverage Review: "The Morning After Job"

Leverage Review: "The Morning After Job"

Leverage concluded its summer season with an episode that earned a 4.4 rating from our staff writer. Read on to see if you agree with his assessment of "The Morning After Job."
Posted in: Leverage
Leverage Review: "The Rashomon Job"

Leverage Review: "The Rashomon Job"

An unusual episode of Leverage, told from multiple points of view, led to one of the best hours in the show's history. There's a reason why we gave it a 4.9 rating.
Posted in: Leverage
Leverage Review: "The Inside Job"

Leverage Review: "The Inside Job"

Parker went missing this week, making it easy for the Leverage team to all understand this mission. Check out a review now of "The Inside Job."
Posted in: Leverage
Leverage Review: "The Jailhouse Job"

Leverage Review: "The Jailhouse Job"

Leverage returned to TNT last night with a two-hour season premiere. This is a rundown of events and developments from its first half, titled "The Jailhouse Job."
Posted in: Leverage

Leverage Quotes

Alec: I'm just very good at what I do.
Parker: This is the score! The score!
Alec: Age of the geek, baby.
Eliot: Somebody kiss this man so I don't have to.

Eliot: He tried to kill us.
Parker: More importantly he didn't pay us.
Eliot: How is that more important?
Parker: I take that personally.
Eliot: There's somethin' wrong with you.