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It’s Dan and Louise’s wedding day, and Louise feels as though everything is going wrong. The bridesmaids’ dresses haven’t arrived, the florist ran out of baby’s breath, and there’s a major storm forecast to hit Landford.

Darlene learns that Ben is coming to the wedding and he’s bringing a date. Dan invited him because they are business partners and the family loves him. Darlene feels compelled to bring her own date and invites Jeff to be her plus one.

Guests are calling Louise to complain because they don’t like where they’re seated for the reception and when the bridesmaids’ dresses finally arrive, they are in the wrong sizes. Louise has a meltdown and says she was wrong to push for the wedding. She’d be happy if they canceled it and just decided to live together. Upset, she leaves the house.

Jackie tells Dan this is his time to step up and try to fix things for Louise.

Ben comes to the Conner home to see if anyone needs anything and runs into Darlene and Jeff. He tells Darlene his plus one was supposed to be his mother, but she backed out. It leads to an awkward drive to the church.

Harris tells Becky and Jackie that she’s dating a 38-year-old man with two kids. She springs him on Darlene at the wedding, where Darlene notices his neck tattoos, and he tells her he used to be a part of a gang.

Becky accidentally has a sip of Champagne and is panicked that it will lead to another drink. Mikey offers to distract her from her fear and the two have sex in the men's bathroom. 

Somehow, the dresses get fixed, and everyone looks lovely, but Dan is worried Louise won’t show up. However, Louise arrives, looking beautiful in her wedding gown. Dan tells Louise that the moment she was willing to back out was when he realized just how much he wants to marry her.

But just as Louise and Dan are about to say their vows, there’s a tornado warning, and a church window shatters. Everyone runs for the storm shelter, including the minister, so Jackie steps up and marries the couple.

With the reception canceled, the family heads back home for their own celebration. Mark is upset when Darlene doesn’t want Ben to stay for a movie night. Seeing how important it is to Mark, Darlene backs down and tells Ben it’s okay for him to stay, but she’ll be outside in the storm. Ben says she’s a good mom and admits it’s difficult to stop caring about her even though he wants to.

The Conners
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The Conners Season 4 Episode 4 Quotes

Darlene: Do you have any idea how incredibly awkward this is going to be for me?
Dan: Nope. I married my high school sweetheart and made that last for 46 years. Just saying.

The wedding is tomorrow, and the bridesmaids' dresses aren't even here yet. The florist says that they're out of baby's breath, and he's going to replace it with eucalyptus, which is going to make the entire church smell like cough medicine. And after our ceremony, there's a funeral. So there is going to be a casket off to the side reminding us that as we start our new lives together, someone's going the other way.
