21 Underrated TV Couples That Deserve More Love

Put a little love in your hearts, and show some appreciation for these couples that don't get enough recognition. Which OTP do you think is the most undervalued?

17 TV Cliffhangers That Have Kept Us Awake At Night

We all have experienced the mix of frustration and titillation when it comes to TV cliffhangers. Here are those that made us toss and turn at night!

15 Male Characters That Define The Nice Guy Syndrome

Some male characters are perfect examples of the Nice Guy Syndrome with qualities that are meant to come off nice but are mostly entitled. Do you agree with these?

19 of the Most Shocking On-screen Betrayals

No matter what kind of impact they have, deceptions are always a turning point for both the characters and the storyline. Check out 19 of our most shocking onscreen betrayals!

27 Wholesome Characters Who Deserve the World

Some characters are just so pure we want them to have everything they could wish for and more. Here are 27 wholesome characters who deserve just that.

17 Starcrossed Couples Who Can't Catch a Break

If you have ever watched two people, clearly in love, dance around the idea of being together you know what I'm talking about. These TV non-couples are beautifully frustrating.

17 Shows That Were Rocked With A Pregnancy Plot Twist

There is nothing like a pregnancy to really shake things up on a show, which is exactly why this has become more of a common plot twist lately. These are our favorites!

17 Enemies That Became Friends (Or More!)

There are a lot of enemies in the world. but they can overcome! Whether they became friends or more, here are 17 duos that proved love is stronger than hate.

13 TV Friendships That Should Turn Romantic

Friendships are a beautiful thing, but sometimes the people in them are destined to be together in a romantic sense as well. Which do you hope will take that next step?

13 Tear-Jerkers To Watch While You Wait For This Is Us Season 3

While you wait for This Is Us to return, considering these shows to help fill your emotionak void.

18 Catchy Tunes that Dominated TV in 2017!!

Music is a significant part of the TV experience. What are some of the catchy songs that are so good that they played on multiple TV shows this year? Find out inside!

19 Inspiring TV Characters We Admire

With the New Year coming up, use these characters to frame your resolutions around because they're not perfect, they have huge flaws, but they still keep going.