21 Amazing Adventure Seekers

Who doesn't love a good adventure? It can be exciting, dangerous and a whole lot of fun. Here are 21 of TV's most amazing adventure seekers.

15 TV Characters in Need of Some Mom Time

Sometimes you just need your mother, right? These characters are in desperate need of "mom time" to fix their attitudes and poor decisions.

Quotables for Week Ending December 2, 2016

This was a great week for quotes, as viewers fell hard for some from Gilmore Girls, Westworld, the DC Crossover Event and Code Black. We have them all here!

Quotables for Week Ending Friday, November 11, 2016

On the week of one of the most harrowed Presidential elections of our lifetimes, did we have quotes to match? Let's check it out.

Quotables from Week Ending November 4, 2016

This is a good time for levity in our favorite scripts, as there are a lot of giggles contained in the quotes for the week ending November 4, 2016!

13 Smokin' Hot TV Siblings

There's no denying that hotness runs in the family for these television brothers and sisters. Which families got lucky in the looks department? Read on to find out!

Casting News & Notes: Who's Coming? Who's Going?

A mainstay of any upcoming season is change. Check out some of the casting changes you can expect for your favorite shows and stars for 2016 right here.

23 TV Characters We DEMAND Return for 2016-17

Deceased, moved on, or abruptly left, these characters made their mark on a show they no longer inhabit, and we would like to see them return this season.

19 Characters We Want at Our Summer Pool Party!!

Good music, good food, and fun people is what a pool party is all about. Check out which favorite TV characters we'd party with this summer!

13 Characters Who Simply Don't Have a Clue

There are some characters who are so clueless and annoying we'd love for them to go far, far away. Check out who we'd send on a spaceship to the stars.

14 Heartbreaking Moments that Turned Us to Mush

The finales have hit us really hard this year and we are still feeling the pain! Let's take a look at the moments that broke our hearts and made us reach for the tissues.

11 Actors Who Could Fly High as Superman

With the news that Supergirl's cousin Superman will be making an appearance on the CW series, we're taking our own stab at casting the part.