17 TV Performers We Want on Celebrity Big Brother!!

Celebrity Big Brother is coming to CBS this winter for the first time in the United States! Here's our dream casting with our favorite TV actors!

13 Bisexual TV Characters Who Deserve Your Attention

These select bisexual characters have offered wonderful representation to many people in the LGBTQ+ community, but this is just the beginning for diversity.

Fall 2017 Premiere Dates: Set Those DVRs!

When will your favorite fall show return or premiere? Scroll around now and plan all vacations accordingly!

22 Shondaland Twists That Drove Us To Drink

Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, and How to Get Away With Murder are all crazy shows that feature breathtaking twists. Which ones drove us to drink?!

23 TV Shows Where Women Rule

Whether it's one woman who steals the show or a show full of talented females, women are taking over the world of television. Check out our list!

15 TV Shows That Nearly Had Terrible Titles

Can you imagine if Grey's Anatomy or This is Us had been given different names? It almost happened, as you're about to discover here.

Quotables from Week Ending May 12, 2017

As we roll into sweeps week, we're already experiencing a lot of finales. The dialogue must be getting good, right? Find out what quotes are standing out!

23 TV Characters Who Like To Work Up A Sweat

It's not always easy to find motivation to work out but it's important for your health. Check out these sexy, sweaty TV characters and let them lead you to the gym!

Grey's Anatomy Photo Preview from "Civil War"

Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 15 returns on March.9. Check out the photos inside to get your first look of "Civil War."

15 TV Bartenders Who Will Help You Drink Away Your Worries

Whether they're good at listening to your problems or simply helping you forget them with a strong drink, these TV bartenders certainly are memorable.

13 Indulgent Tub Scenes We'll Never Forget

Some are sexy, others relaxing, while still others tip into the terrible, but these 13 top TV bathtub scenes are the ones we'll never forget.

Quotables for Week Ending Friday, November 11, 2016

On the week of one of the most harrowed Presidential elections of our lifetimes, did we have quotes to match? Let's check it out.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
