TV Renewal Scorecard: What's Canceled? What's Renewed?

Renewed or canceled? That is the question. We've rounded up all of the decisions from the broadcast networks so far. Did your favorite show make the cut?

17 TV Actors Who Potrayed Their Truths on the Big Screen

Representation across TV is important, but when it comes to a character portrayed by an actor who truly deals with the same struggles, it heightens the performance.

13 Stuttering Shows That Made A Comeback In 2018

Sometimes the right combination of actors and storylines come together and series that had been struggling find a new wind. That's what happened for these shows in 2018.

CBS Cheat Sheet: S.W.A.T. is on the Bubble

S.W.A.T. is one of many shows on the bubble at CBS, but how does the network's other shows stack up? Get all the details right here via TV Fanatic.

Fall 2018 Premiere Dates: Set Your DVR!

Fall TV is almost upon us, and we've rounded up which shows are coming your way, and more importantly when you can actually watch them. Read on!

19 Scientific Sweethearts Who Live for the Lab!

Whether in a science lab, crime lab, or computer lab, these characters love what they do and they do it well. Did your lab geek make the cut? Read on to find out!

45 Baddies We Unapologetically Adore!

There are some baddies that are loathsome, but there are many we love and even root for no matter what they do. Check out a list of our favorite baddies inside!

Renewal Scorecard 2018-2019: What's Coming Back?

Which shows are coming back during the 2018-2019 season? We have a complete list that includes shows from the broadcast, cable and even streaming networks. Read on!

Ch-ch-changes: How to Handle Evolving Casts Without Killing the Show

Some series neatly transition from cast to cast, while others implode when a key cast member departs. The secret to keep a series running is to make changes feel organic.

18 Catchy Tunes that Dominated TV in 2017!!

Music is a significant part of the TV experience. What are some of the catchy songs that are so good that they played on multiple TV shows this year? Find out inside!

Fall 2017 Premiere Dates: Set Those DVRs!

When will your favorite fall show return or premiere? Scroll around now and plan all vacations accordingly!

Quotables from Week Ending May 19, 2017

What did the multiple finales from this very busy week bring you by way of great quotes? Find out when you scroll through the slideshow. Enjoy!

NCIS: New Orleans Quotes

Disabled people are everywhere but people look right through us. We hide in plain sight.


Percy: At least LaSalle is trying to do the right thing.
Pride: I wish it didn't affect his work so much. We're undermanned as it is.