17 TV Characters We'd Want as Bridesmaids!

The most important thing to have by your side on your wedding day, other than the bride and/or groom, is a few good bridesmaids. These are the besties we'd want in our bridal squad!

15 Male Characters That Define The Nice Guy Syndrome

Some male characters are perfect examples of the Nice Guy Syndrome with qualities that are meant to come off nice but are mostly entitled. Do you agree with these?

29 Terrific TV Posses - Membership Not Included!

Who wouldn't want to redefine friendship goals and be a part of these epic television posses? We can't guarantee membership, but you'll want to join ASAP.

35 Worthy Contenders if Emmy Recognition was Fair!

The Primetime Emmy's are an honor bestowed upon talented actors and exceptional series, but they're often imbalanced. Check out a list of worthy but deprived contenders!

21 Hilarious Fictional Duos Who Deserve Their Own Sitcoms

The best characters are able to create amazing comedic moments simply by interacting with each other. Here are 21 fictional duos who deserve their own sitcoms!

27 of our Favorite Out and Proud LGBTQ 'Ships

In honor of Pride Month, we're taking a look at our favorite LGBTQ+ 'ships. We've narrowed it down to 27. Did your favorite couple make the list?

27 Wholesome Characters Who Deserve the World

Some characters are just so pure we want them to have everything they could wish for and more. Here are 27 wholesome characters who deserve just that.

17 TV Characters That Make Us LOL

Sometimes we just need to take a break from all the drama and have a good laugh. Here are 17 TV characters that make us LOL.

13 TV Friendships That Should Turn Romantic

Friendships are a beautiful thing, but sometimes the people in them are destined to be together in a romantic sense as well. Which do you hope will take that next step?

DC TV Photos: Gypsy Returns, Lance Learns The Truth & So Much More!

Team Flash will get some help from Gypsy in the battle against DeVoe, while Lance learns a shocking fact about Laurel. See the latest pictures!

17 Inspired and Surprising TV Crossovers

If Supernatural and Scooby-Doo could successfully cross over, we needed to take a trip through TV history to revisit some of the most memorable small-screen crossovers.

15 Characters Who are Born Fixers

We know of a new career path for these characters! Whether it be their own or their loved one's messes, they always cleaning up. And not just their homes.

Supergirl Quotes

Braniac-5: Well the good news is, her mind is active and alert.
Alex: Oh, thank God.
Braniac-5: The bad news is, she is very angry.
Winn: Well, I'm sure she loves being trapped inside a mind prison.

You had me fooled, Danvers. I thought you were a soldier. But then I find this out. All the lies you must have told. You have undermined everything that we stand for, all to protect your own sister. Supergirl.

Colonel Haley