21 Potential Superheroes Ready for Action!!

Plenty of characters without abilities, both on and off superhero shows, have traits that make them deserving of powers and superhero status. Check out these!

16 Soulful Singers Who Make Us Swoon

There are a lot of sexy people on TV, but it's not all about looks. Each of these 16 characters are velvety smooth vocalists who make us melt with each note!

11 Shows That Would Have Worked Better On Cable

There are some TV shows that just don't translate very well on broadcast TV. We've compiled a list of shows that would have been better suited on cable.

23 TV Couples Who Are Just Friends, Okay?!?

The relationships between these men and women were a crux to their shows, but it had nothing to do with romance. These couples were the best of friends.

19 Ladies Who Tamed TV's Bad Boys

We know all about the bad boys. Let's celebrate the ladies who whipped them in to shape! Read on for our list of awesome women who reformed TV's most broken men.

15 Times Characters Were Treated Like Fools

TV characters have pulled off some pretty elaborate pranks over the years, so we thought we'd compile a list of our favorites! Check out our picks and let us know yours!

27 Most Precious Pets in TV History

Feline or canine, cartoon or real these beloved animal companions managed to steal the show. Check out the 25 most memorable pets seen on TV.

13 Female Friendships That Embody Galentine's Day

"Ladies celebrating ladies. It's like Lilith Fair, without the angst. Plus, frittatas!"

17 Satisfying TV Smooches

These kisses were sexy, sweet, and swoon-worthy. Check out some of the most satisfying smooches that television has to offer and see if your favorite made the list!

17 Baddies Who are Just Too Darn Good

Sometimes it's the bad ones that are just so, so good! We've compiled our favorite bad guys and girls and the reasons we love them. Check it out!

21 Devilishly Sexy Disguises

It's Sexy Saturday AND Halloween so here at TV Fanatic we thought what better way to combine the two than with TV characters in sexy costumes?

17 Fictional TV Schools That Totally Rule

No matter how bizarre (or even dangerous), we'd have been proud to call any of these fictional TV schools our alma mater. Check them out here!

Veronica Mars Quotes

Girl, you should hear what people say about you.


This is my school. If you go here, your parents are either millionaires or your parents work for millionaires. Neptune, California, a town without a middle class. If you’re in the second group, you get a job; fast food, movie theatres, mini-marts. Or you could be me. My after-school job means tailing philandering spouses or investigating false injury claims.

Veronica Mars