15 Characters Who are Born Fixers

We know of a new career path for these characters! Whether it be their own or their loved one's messes, they always cleaning up. And not just their homes.

27 Reboots Ruling 2018 — Should We Give Them The Boot?

Every year delivers its fair share of reboots but it seems like 2018's goal is to tests the audience threshold for past success. Here's a list of reboots getting a second shot at life.

Ch-ch-changes: How to Handle Evolving Casts Without Killing the Show

Some series neatly transition from cast to cast, while others implode when a key cast member departs. The secret to keep a series running is to make changes feel organic.

25 Shows To Binge Watch If You Love Chicago

Chicago is a dynamic and diverse city, making it the perfect backdrop for TV shows, especially cop and medical dramas! These shows make Chi-town their town!

13 TV Characters Who Need Some Major Lovin'

We always desire the best for our TV characters, even if they are so far gone, they don't see what that is themselves. Here are some broken characters who need major lovin'!

13 TV Episodes to Watch in Preparation of the Super Bowl!

Super Bowl is a major day in the world of sports. If you're antsy about the big game, check out these episodes of your favorite shows to get into the spirit!

33 Shows To Binge if You Love California

Get ready for some serious TV fun, compliments of the California sun! From cult classics to Hollywood hits, we're about to unleash a list of the Best of the West!

13 Things We Think Will Happen in the Scandal/HTGAWM Crossover

Little is known about the two-part crossover ... so we came up with some fun and far-fetched scenarios for Olivia Pope, Annalise Keating and company.

25 Shows to Binge If You Love New York

Here we have some of the best shows to come from The Big Apple. Start slow and work your way into entire seasons. Savor the flavor of the City!

10 Best Shows of 2017 - Ranked!

The best shows of 2017. Ten of them. How do you decide? Very carefully, being sure to capture something for everyone. Here's our top 10 for 2017.

21 Shows to Watch Before Catching Some Zzz's

If you're like us, watching TV before bed can be a relaxing experience. So we've compiled a list of some of the best shows to watch before catching those zzz's.

17 TV Cop Partnerships For the Ages

TV is littered with crime dramas, and the best part is seeing cops bond with each other while solving crimes! Check out our picks for all time best cop partnerships.