Lois: Oh my god! I think Chris is having a heart attack!
Peter: We're not supposed to leave the table!

Damn right I do! It's because I make all the money! I'm the big..."Mamu" around here!

It's like putting your penis to sleep in a feather bed.

Heh, heh, I stole Meg's cutaway.

Banish a White Russian from my Kremlin.

You're not going to get away with this, Mr. Google Search!

Death: You members of the human race have the power to send a man to the moon and make Justin Long a movie star.
Peter: We did it with Justin Long didn't we? America said no but we kept at it!

You know what? I was so drunk, my ghost is drunk.

Alcoholics... transform!

What does it matter what those people in church think? Most of
them are just random background people we never seen before anyways.
Half of them don't even move. The other half just blink.

Brian: Ah, it's a period joke!
Peter: Ah, it's a period period joke!

Peter: I'm making my own Red Bull! Lois can't stop me from experiencing the manic highs and lows my body demands.
Brian: Whoa, whoa you're adding kerosene? That's insane! That'll destroy your body, Peter!
Peter: Kerosene is fuel, Brian. Red Bull is fuel. Kerosene is Red Bull...
Brian: That drink will kill you, Peter.
Peter: Whatever kills me will make me stronger.

Family Guy Quotes

Aunt Margarite [on her video will]: Lois, you were always my favorite niece; I just knew you would find a wonderful man who would make all your dreams come true. But I was wrong.
Peter: And now you're dead. Score one for Peter

But now that you mention it, your face looks like a used condom.
