Your thing is kinda weird. It has all this extra skin and it freaks me out.


Set 'em up, bar keep. My liver's been on vacation and I got a months worth of drinking to catch up on.


Ian: I confronted Caleb about that chick. He's screwing her.
Lip: I guess there's something to be said for honesty. Right?
Ian: Except, he says he's not cheating.
Lip: How did he come up with that reasoning?
Ian: He says if it were a guy, then he'd be cheating.

Fiona: What time is it?
Veronica: Not as early as you ringing my doorbell last night.

Lip: Yo Fi, pickaxe or sledgehammer.
Fiona: Sledgehammer.

I'd have to care for it to be a Sean rebound thing.


I am just as likely as anyone of this family to make something of myself.


Carl: Luthor, what's up?
Luthor: What's up is you gave my daughter gonorrhoea you little shit.

Frank: God is handing me a do-over. New Ian, new Lip, new Debbie.
New Debbie: I'm a boy.
Frank: You need a haircut, Debs.

New Fiona: Bitch.
Frank: You tell them, New Fiona.
Fiona: That's new Fiona?

Who do I give a BJ to around here to get a meal?

New Fiona

I can make sure that we do our drugs and beat each other up indoors -- just like the rest of of you folks.


Shameless Quotes

Everytime she pees on the stick it's bad news and then I get depressed thinking about my husband banging my mom cause we selfishly wanna have a baby with some of our DNA.


Gus: See you at two.
Fiona: Wouldn't miss it.