Christine Orlando

Christine Orlando

I love to write.  I love TV.  This is the best job ever!

Fairly Legal Review: Holding On

Fairly Legal Review: Holding On

Kate mediates a dispute between a fishing boat captain and his injured son while Judge Nicastro encourages Lauren to move on with her life on the latest Fairly Legal.
Posted in: Fairly Legal
Touch Review: Together We Float

Touch Review: Together We Float

On the latest Touch, when Martin meets a homeless man with the same affinity for numbers as Jake, will it help him understand his son?
Posted in: Touch

Castle Round Table: "47 Seconds"

Forget the bomb at the protest rally. There was a different bomb dropped that left fans, and Rick Castle, reeling. Now our Castle Round Table team sorts their way through the fall out.
Posted in: Castle
Body of Proof Review: Outbreak!

Body of Proof Review: Outbreak!

Megan and the team are faced with a city-wide outbreak of a mysterious, lethal virus that puts everyone at risk. CDC Officer Charlie Stafford (Luke Perry) takes over the investigation to determine who and what caused the outbreak on Body of Proof.
Posted in: Body of Proof
Ringer Review: A Twisted Family Affair

Ringer Review: A Twisted Family Affair

Bridget decides she won't fell safe unless she testifies against Macawi but after Agent Machado's actions get him suspended, he comes up with a new plan on the latest Ringer.
Posted in: Ringer
Once Upon a Time Review: Going Mad

Once Upon a Time Review: Going Mad

During her search for Mary Margaret, Emma is kidnapped by a mad man with an affinity for hats. Who planted the key in Mary Margaret's cell is revealed on Once Upon a Time.
Posted in: Reviews
Fairly Legal Review: The Politics of Death

Fairly Legal Review: The Politics of Death

Despite their rocky relationship, Justin asks Kate to negotiate a deal involving the FBI and an organ transplant candidate while Lauren and Ben butt heads over opposing clients on the latest Fairly Legal.
Posted in: Fairly Legal
Touch Review: Who Hears You?

Touch Review: Who Hears You?

Martin tries to understand how the phone number Jake keeps writing is connected to a pawn shop robbery and the sequence of events that it triggers in the return of Touch.
Posted in: Touch

Castle Round Table: "A Dance With Death"

Who knew dancing could be so dangerous? As Esposito and Ryan experienced a wedding ring disaster and Martha exposed her gooey center, the TV Fanatic team added a Castle fan to our mix to dish on "A Dance With Death" and talk about next week's promo.
Posted in: Castle
Once Upon a Time Review: Losing Faith

Once Upon a Time Review: Losing Faith

Mary Margaret hires Mr. Gold as her attorney when she's arrested for Kathryn's murder and Snow White tries to kill the Evil Queen in the latest Once Upon a Time.
Posted in: Reviews
In Plain Sight Review: Phantom Pain

In Plain Sight Review: Phantom Pain

After six months of maternity leave, Mary returns to work to protect a witness from a corporate giant while juggling mandatory therapy and being a single mom on the season premiere of In Plain Sight.
Posted in: In Plain Sight