"January 14, 2009"

Stefano asks Kate if she's decided about his marriage proposal. She claims she's not ready to make a commitment. He guesses she's inter...

"July 9, 2009"

Mia assures Will that Chad is not her boyfriend. Chad boasts to Will how Mia was hung up on him but Will calls him a liar. Having heard her leaving a messa...

"July 27, 2009"

Stephanie tells Philip about her argument with Melanie. The two come close to kissing but Henderson interrupts with an update on Lucas. Philip points out n...

"October 22, 2009"

E.J. hurries to the hospital in time to see his father. Stefano assures them he knows them and who he is. Stefano jokes that he's in the hospital because h...

"May 20, 2009"

Arianna accidentally spills hot coffee on Brady. In response, he strips off his shirt. She offers to "take care of him" and as she does...

"January 21, 2009"

Chloe announces to Lucas that she's got an audition in Vancouver. She runs into Daniel at the docks and he wants to talk about their rel...

"May 21, 2009"

Rafe wants to legally adopt Grace. Sami asks if he's asking to marry her. Rafe points out that he's not proposing which upsets her. He...

"May 26, 2009"

Victor tells Bo that he sent Philip to New York. Brady denies it. After Victor calls him a traitor, Bo sends Brady away and then argues...

"September 8, 2009"

The motel owner claims he can't delete the video of Melanie having sex with Philip. Brady grabs the computer and, with a few keyboard taps, deletes the vid...

"May 14, 2009"

Seeing Philip about to drink the spiked lemonade, Owen manages to knock it out of his hands. But Philip fills another glass! As the two ...