14 Former Couples Who Should Just Give Up

There are some characters on TV who are better without their former better half. We have a list of 14 former couples that should stay away from one another.

13 TV Couples With Crazy Age Gaps

Who care's about age? When you're in love, you're in love. Check out our list of couples who didn't let an age difference get in the way of love.

17 Characters Who Should Put A Sock In It

There are some characters on TV that should just stop talking. There's a lot of reasons for this. We have a list of 17 characters who should put a sock in it!

19 Characters We Want at Our Summer Pool Party!!

Good music, good food, and fun people is what a pool party is all about. Check out which favorite TV characters we'd party with this summer!

11 Shows That Need an Orphan Black Clone

So many television shows currently on the air could benefit from another strong female character -- Send in one of the Orphan Black clones for instant excellence!

17 Controversial Character Exits

Wait... what? WHY?!? As detailed here, sometimes characters exit TV shows under the most controversial of circumstances.

17 Characters Who Could Use A Nice Dose Of Reality

There are some characters on TV who are very nice and then there are others who just use people for their own personal gain. The latter sort of suck.

Fox at Midseason: What Will Get Renewed?

Will your favorite Fox show get renewed? We've done the analysis and got all the figures hear for your viewing pleasure!

Quotables for the Week Ending December 3, 2015

The holiday season may be upon us but we're still collecting quotes! So what's good? Find out when you scroll through our latest slideshow and share with friends!

13 Terrible TV Families to Make You Thankful for Your Own

Your family might drive you up a wall this holiday season, but we can all give thanks we don't have to sit down to a feast with these small screen families.

Quotables from Week Ending November 12, 2015

What wisecracks turned our heads for the week ending Thursday, November 12, 2015? Or was it a dramatic clause? Find out when you scroll through our Quotables!

17 Characters Who Need to Step Up or Say Goodbye

We can all agree that there are some characters on TV who need to improve or move on to something better. Such as? These people!

Empire Quotes

That boy is headed for a world of trouble.


Becky: Yeah, just Tiana can open and then throw it to Devon.
Giselle: Yeah, that works.
Becky: Also, I know we're in crisis right now, but I just want to be honest with you about something.
Giselle: Go ahead.
Becky: OK, so Def Jam offered me a job.
Giselle: Ew.
Becky: And unless the Empire fans come back, I'm gonna be forced to take it.
Giselle: And walk away from all this Black Girl Magic?