23 TV Hunks with Scrumptious Facial Hair

Who needs clean shaven? Give us a man with a mustache or beard anytime! Here's a list TV hunks whose facial hair makes our hearts beat faster!

Quotables for Week Ending April 14, 2017

It's April! Another week, another big finale. Who bit the dust? Who made us worry? What shows entered alternative timelines? Figure it out with by the quotes inside.

16 Soulful Singers Who Make Us Swoon

There are a lot of sexy people on TV, but it's not all about looks. Each of these 16 characters are velvety smooth vocalists who make us melt with each note!

Quotables for Week Ending March 31, 2017

As we said goodbye to two beloved long-running series, check out some of the best-said words on television for the week ending March 31, 2017.

Quotables for Week Ending March 24, 2017

Empire returned, there was a Supergirl/Flash musical. What else could be found during the week that brought happiness to our ears? Check out the most quotable moments.

17 Midseason Replacements That Hit the Jackpot

What do Grey's Anatomy and Happy Days have in common? They debuted at midseason. What other shows hit the midseason jackpot? Check out our list!

14 Shows That Alienated Their Fan Base

Good TV shows can go bad in an instant and it makes us viewers question why we watched in the first place. We have a list of 14 TV shows that alienated their fan base.

Quotables for Week Ending December 9, 2016

We're bringing to you all the quotes gathered by fanatics for the week ending December 9, 2016. Did we decide yours was one to be showcased?

Quotables for Week Ending December 2, 2016

This was a great week for quotes, as viewers fell hard for some from Gilmore Girls, Westworld, the DC Crossover Event and Code Black. We have them all here!

2016 Fall Premiere Week: Hits & Misses

Premiere week is over with, but how did the premieres stack up? Were there any immediate flops? We have the hits & misses from premiere week!

13 Morally Bankrupt TV Characters

Some characters just take things a little too far. They're morally bankrupt. And we're here to call them out, dammit!

23 TV Divas We Secretly Admire

No matter how horrible they are, divas make TV a lot more fun. Love them, hate them, or love to hate them, check out our list of TV divas we secretly admire.

Empire Quotes

That boy is headed for a world of trouble.


Becky: Yeah, just Tiana can open and then throw it to Devon.
Giselle: Yeah, that works.
Becky: Also, I know we're in crisis right now, but I just want to be honest with you about something.
Giselle: Go ahead.
Becky: OK, so Def Jam offered me a job.
Giselle: Ew.
Becky: And unless the Empire fans come back, I'm gonna be forced to take it.
Giselle: And walk away from all this Black Girl Magic?