15 TV Characters Whose Gift-Giving Skills Are Definitely Lacking

Holidays, birthdays, graduations... all events where you receive a gift, and while gifts should be appreciated for the thought, sometimes there is none put into the gift.

23 TV Characters Who Like To Work Up A Sweat

It's not always easy to find motivation to work out but it's important for your health. Check out these sexy, sweaty TV characters and let them lead you to the gym!

13 Characters Who Kill Absolutely Everyone with Kindness

Who says nice guys finish last?!? Help us decide: Who is the kindest person on television?

17 Memorable TV Bosses

Don't you wish these bosses were YOUR bosses in real life? Okay, maybe not. But at least they entertain us on television!

11 TV Time Jumps That Saved a Show

Instead of playing out in a purely chronological fashion, many shows opt to skip over a period of time to revitalize. Here are the best time jumps in TV!

15 Characters Who Might As Well Be Your Mom

There's always that person in the squad who takes on motherly qualities and oversees their fellow friends like baby birds in the nest. Who are they?

13 Characters Who Can Keep You Alive in the Wild

If you found yourself stranded in the woods, which TV characters would you want by your side? We compiled a list of some of the best candidates to help you survive!

11 Shows That Need an Orphan Black Clone

So many television shows currently on the air could benefit from another strong female character -- Send in one of the Orphan Black clones for instant excellence!

13 Memorable Bachelor and Bachelorette Parties

Bachelor and bachelorette parties rarely go as planned on our favorite television shows. Check out the most memorable (and terrible) parties below!

11 Characters Who Desperately Want to Save the World

Come celebrate Earth Day with these 11 television characters who really care about the environment! Scroll through the slideshow for our picks!

13 TV Wedding Receptions We Wish We'd Crashed

What's better than the love of two favorite characters? The party that comes with it! Here's a list of wedding receptions we wish we'd been invited to!

15 Times Characters Were Treated Like Fools

TV characters have pulled off some pretty elaborate pranks over the years, so we thought we'd compile a list of our favorites! Check out our picks and let us know yours!

Parks & Rec Quotes

Leslie: I know you're not gay.
Tom: No, I'm not.
Leslie: But you're effeminate.
Tom: What?
Leslie: Well, you're wearing a peach shirt with a coiled snake on it.
Tom: That's because it was featured in Details magazine, and it's awesome.

Look, Tammy and I don't work. We are oil and water. Or oil and TNT and C4 and a detonator and a butane torch.
