25 TV Characters Who Would Make Great Fitness Friends

New year, new me. These TV characters are such fitness buffs, they wouldn't let you give up your New Year's resolution of getting fit and healthy.

17 TV Couples That You Forgot Dated

There are just those TV couples that happened and yet you completely forgot that they ever dated. Which TV couples do you always forget were together at some point?

29 Internet Boyfriends You Should Still Be Crushing On

Sometimes you just need to celebrate the best boyfriends that television has given the internet. Here is a collection of the characters you should still be obsessed with.

27 Shows That Will Warm Your Cold, Dead Heart!

There's nothing wrong with a little emotional television, and when it comes to these series, no one is exempt from the feels. So give in already and check out our list!

23 TV Episodes That Are All Fun And Games

These episodes of television are all about spinning the wheel, taking the card, rolling the dice, and shouting checkmate. The winner takes it all. Are you in?

19 Left-Handed Characters We Adore

An overlooked and somewhat rare trait that only helps make some of our favorite characters more interesting. We've picked 19 of the best that also happen to be southpaws!

21 Brilliant TV Minds Who Could be the Next Supreme Court Justice

Who should be a Supreme Court Justice? These characters may not be the conventional choices, but you can trust them to make good decisions.

31 Couples Who Accidentally Fell In Love

Somehow, characters often seem to fall for the person they would least expect. We put together a slideshow of 31 couples who accidentally fell in love!

23 TV Characters Who Own Their Age

Age is only a number, not a limitation, and on TV there are plenty of characters living their life on their own terms. Here are 23 of our favorites!

25 TV Couples That Never Should Have Happened

Some TV couples are more of a mistake than anything else; they didn't work or are in desperate need of a breakup. What couple do you think shouldn't have been explored?

21 Characters Who Work Way Too Hard

All TV characters have busy lives. Then there are those who never stop working. We are recognizing 21 characters who are in serious need of a vacation.

25 Fictional Kardashian Crushers: We'd Watch These Reality Shows Right Now!

From melodramatic people to those with a wild sense of humor, many TV characters are unique enough to deserve their own reality TV show. Learn about 25 of our favorites!

Parks & Rec Quotes

Leslie: I know you're not gay.
Tom: No, I'm not.
Leslie: But you're effeminate.
Tom: What?
Leslie: Well, you're wearing a peach shirt with a coiled snake on it.
Tom: That's because it was featured in Details magazine, and it's awesome.

Look, Tammy and I don't work. We are oil and water. Or oil and TNT and C4 and a detonator and a butane torch.
