23 TV Characters We DEMAND Return for 2016-17

Deceased, moved on, or abruptly left, these characters made their mark on a show they no longer inhabit, and we would like to see them return this season.

19 Times Twins Got Too Twisted for TV

Twins and/or doppelgangers... they stir up trouble, don't they? We've compiled a list of our favorite dark, twisty relationships between television's double troubles.

14 Former Couples Who Should Just Give Up

There are some characters on TV who are better without their former better half. We have a list of 14 former couples that should stay away from one another.

11 TV Time Jumps That Saved a Show

Instead of playing out in a purely chronological fashion, many shows opt to skip over a period of time to revitalize. Here are the best time jumps in TV!

13 TV Slaps That Were Heard Around The World

Do you love a good TV slap? You've come to the right place. We've compiled some of the best slaps in television history!

15 Characters Who Might As Well Be Your Mom

There's always that person in the squad who takes on motherly qualities and oversees their fellow friends like baby birds in the nest. Who are they?

12 Crazy TV Moments That Left Us Muttering: WTF?!?

Which moments this spring made our jaws drop to the floor? Which ones can we still not believe actually happened? Check out our picks and let us know yours!

11 Actors Who Could Fly High as Superman

With the news that Supergirl's cousin Superman will be making an appearance on the CW series, we're taking our own stab at casting the part.

21 Shows with Serious Girl Power

Some of the best TV shows are made up of all female ensemble casts, where the women kick some butt and still come together for that perfect heart-to-heart.

13 TV Characters Who Have Faded Into Oblivion

These characters are criminally underused. Some have fallen prey to be a plot device for another character's story, while some have all but vanished.

17 Summer Shows We Can't Wait to Watch!

While one TV season is winding down, we can look forward to all of the programming coming our way this summer. What's on tap? See what excites us!

13 Couples Who Could've Had It All

These couples got so close. Either they got their relationship to work and failed or their flirtationship was their peak, though some were just taken away.

Pretty Little Liars Quotes

Emily: A's a terrorist, that's what she wants: To make us worry

Mona is five feet
of insidious snark with a side ponytail,
and I just -- I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard.
