17 Couples Who Need A Vacation...Right Now!

Everyone needs a break sometime. Even TV couples need a chance to relax, rewind, and reconnect. Read on to see which couples we think need to get away!

19 Characters We Want at Our Summer Pool Party!!

Good music, good food, and fun people is what a pool party is all about. Check out which favorite TV characters we'd party with this summer!

21 Characters Who Are Just Jerks

Whether they're overwhelmingly arrogant or just plain stupid, a jerk for a day or a jerk all the time, check out who made our list of jerks!

10 Spring TV Scenes We Need to See Again... and Again

When one watch isn't enough, it's time for a rewind. From Malec and Clexa to silly songs and more, we pick our favorites. Did yours make the cut?

13 TV Characters Who Have Faded Into Oblivion

These characters are criminally underused. Some have fallen prey to be a plot device for another character's story, while some have all but vanished.

Quotables from Week Ending April 8, 2016

We have quotes this week that drop pop culture references to Blake Lively, Robocop, Skinemax (woowoo) and Santana - and that's just by Tuesday! Read on!

13 TV Characters Facing Serious Retribution

These characters are going to get theirs. They've got it coming. What is "it"? A reckoning or attribution of their actions, especially those not so good. Uh oh.

Quotables for Week Ending March 11, 2016

We're adding a day to this week and moving quotables to Saturday! They snark and wisdom will be just the same. Who said it best this week? Find out!

Quotables for the Week Ending February 4, 2016

Read on to find our most quotable moments for the week ending February 4, 2016. Can you believe hipsters made it into the show twice? Find out how!

17 Characters Who Could Use A Nice Dose Of Reality

There are some characters on TV who are very nice and then there are others who just use people for their own personal gain. The latter sort of suck.

Quotables for Week Ending January 14, 2016

We're bringing you more quotable moments from your favorite shows, this time from the week ending January 14, 2016. They'll never be repeated, so read and absorb!

33 Shows You Better Not Miss in 2016

It's the New Year and that means new and returning shows will be coming at you fast and furious. We have put together a list of those you shouldn't miss.

Shadowhunters Quotes

It's your 18th birthday. Everything's going to change for you now.


Clary: Simon, how could someone as smart and perceptive as you not realize the person sitting right there is in love with you?
Simon: I guarantee you I'm not the only smart, perceptive person to make that mistake.