17 Breakups That Were Cause for Celebration

Not everyone is meant to be. What television breakups made you jump for joy? Check out our list of 17 splits that made us pop open the champagne!

19 Women on TV That Deserve Our Appreciation

In honor of International Women's Day, there are plenty of female characters on our favorite shows that might deserve an extra dose of appreciation right about now.

19 TV Characters Who Would Stab You In The Back

Watch yourself around these TV characters because you never know when one of them will start thinking it is not worth keeping you around anymore.

13 of TV's "Dumbest" Characters Who were Smarter than They Seemed

Not all characters are as unintelligent as their show makes them out to be. Check out our list of characters who were smarter than their series gave them credit for!

19 Slowburn TV Ships That Destroyed The Moonlighting Curse

Slowburn ships always run the risk of not being explored or happening too late, and yet there are successful TV ships that prove just how much potential comes from there.

Love Hurts: 25 Obsessive Love Stories on TV

Love is not always love... especially not when it comes to obsessive love. We've put together of some of the most obsessive love stories which range from codependency to stalking to full on murder.

19 Seemingly Cute Couples that Went Downhill

They may have started out cute, but sometimes even the best things in life can get old. What are some couples you used to love but now just can't stand?

21 Powerful Female Characters That Prove God is a Woman

Who's your favorite female character? Yup, it's an impossible question. But somehow we were able to narrow our list down to 21 powerful women we adore.

13 Love Stories We're Glad Weren't Told

Some relationships are doomed to go in the wrong direction. Not all stories are meant to be romantic. What's a love story you're glad was shut down before it began?

31 Friendships That Weren't Ruined by Love Triangles

When it comes to television, the dreaded love triangle can easily tear even the closest characters apart. Which friendships are you glad survived the drama?

23 Male TV Characters That Have Perfected The Look™

Every successful and popular romantic pairing on a show owes some of its thanks to the way the male counterpart pulled off the trademark emotional look.

23 Times We Wanted Lovers to Forgive The Unforgivable

Shippers are loyal, supporting their ship through thick and thin. Sometimes, one half of a ship does something truly unforgivable. Yet, we inexplicably find ourselves forgiving as we hope and pray for a reconciliation.