Grimm Review: The Ringmaster

Grimm Review: The Ringmaster

On Grimm, Monroe and Rosalee have a request for Nick and Juliette while the carnival and its many magical, Wesen mysterious comes to Portland.
Posted in: Grimm
Hannibal Review: Delusion

Hannibal Review: Delusion

On Hannibal, Will begins to unlock memories of his past while Beverly meets an uncertain situation as she digs deeper into Hannibal.
Posted in: Hannibal
Reign Review: Darkness Falls

Reign Review: Darkness Falls

This week on Reign, a monster terrorized the people of the woods, and King Henry terrorized the women of the court. Was anyone actually safe? Find out in our review!
Posted in: Reign

Reviews Quotes

Yea, thanks. And by thanks I mean, thank you for deciding that I should age, grow old, and probably die from a paper cut. Oh yea, and that I'll never get to do magic again. Because I'm perfect now! Did Professor Lipson tell you? I'm perfectly normal, and we all know magic doesn't come from normal so thank you for deciding that without me.


"You bring home two bands of hippie murderers…"
