(after Kenny dies)
Movie Goer #1: Oh my god, I found a penny!
Movie Goer #2: You bastard!

I love your chocolate salty balls, Chef!


Mr. Garrison: The fist film showing is called 'Witness to Denial' and is a sexual exploration piece about two women in love.
Stan: Oh, my uncle Jimbo has a ton of those movies in his dresser drawer.

Kyle: You can't die Mr Hankey, you can't.
Mr. Hankey: (Cough)
Kyle, before I go, there's something I must tell you. Come closer Closer
Kyle: What is it Mr Hankey?
Mr. Hankey: There is another Skywalker. Uhhh (Mr Hankey dies)
Kyle: Nooo
Mr. Hankey: (Mr Hankey appears to be alive) Wait Kyle.
Kyle: What is it Mr Hankey?
Mr. Hankey: Come closer
Kyle: What is it?
Mr. Hankey: Closer
Kyle: Yes?
Mr. Hankey: Closer! (Pause) One time, when you were sleeping, I put myself in your mouth and had my friend take a picture. Uhhh (Mr Hankey dies)
Kyle: Nooo

You've got the best balls in the whole world, Chef.


Mr. Garrison: Eric, if you call Wendy a bitch again you're going straight to the principal's office!
(long pause)
Cartman: Bitch!
Mr. Garrison: That's it Eric go--
Cartman: I'M GOIN'!

Cartman: What are you doing down in a sewer with a bunch of snorkel stuff on?
Mr. Garrison: Oh I was just, uh, hangin' out
Kyle: In a sewer?
Mr. Garrison: Children, do you know how to file a police report?
All: No
Mr. Garrison: Good, see ya in school! (he swims away)

Tom Hanks can't act his way out of a nutsack!


Stan: That theater sucks, though. They need to get a bigger screen.
Kyle: They should project the movies on Cartman's ass!
(all laugh but Cartman)
Cartman: Nya!
Stan: Yeah, but that'd be like IMAX.

Kyle: Does poo go to heaven?
Chef: I kinda hope not.

Mr Garrison: Okay children I have some very exciting news for you. Why don't you tell them Mr Twig? (Garrison as Mr Twig) That's right Mr Garrison. The first annual South Park Film Festival begins today.
Wendy: Wow! Cool.
Kyle: They're not gonna show that stupid-ass Godzilla movie again are they?
Mr Garrison: No, no, Kyle, these are independent films.
Stan: Oh like Independence Day? That sucked ass too.
Cartman: No dude, independent films are those black and white hippy movies. They're always about gay cowboys eating pudding.

Say everybody have you seen my balls?
They're big and salty and brown.
Whenever you need a fix, hook me up.
Just stick my balls in my mouth.
Ooh, suck on my chocolate salty balls.
Put 'em in your mouth.
Put 'em in your mouth and suck 'em and suck 'em.

Chef's Salty Chocolate Balls Song

South Park Season 2 Quotes

Phillip: The subway certainly is wonderful, Terrance.
Terrance: It sure is. Let's look for treasure.
Phillip: Yes. Let's look for treasure.

Philip: Well, while we're waiting, why don't we search for treasure?
Terrance: Oh good idea, let's search for treasure.