Grimm Review: Curiosity

Grimm Review: Curiosity

Juliette begins to find out the source of her visions on Grimm while Renard learns more of the royal plan.
Posted in: Grimm
Happy Endings Review: Power

Happy Endings Review: Power

Happy Endings returned tonight with an episode about Max and Penny's power struggles with the men in their lives. Read our review to find out how they handled it!
Posted in: Reviews
Archer Review: "The Papal Chase"

Archer Review: "The Papal Chase"

This week, Archer, Lana and Pam brushed up on their Romansh, packed some heroine and boarded a plane to head to Italy to stop an assassination attempt on the Pope.
Posted in: Archer
Southland Review: Helpless Heroes

Southland Review: Helpless Heroes

On Southland this week, Ben takes one of his relationships to the next level. while John desperately tries to save Hicks as he delves into his own past.
Posted in: Southland
Arrow Review: No Man is an Island

Arrow Review: No Man is an Island

When Oliver is faced with another vigilante on Arrow this week, he realizes he no longer wants to live his life like he's on an island. Read on for more.
Posted in: Arrow
Smash Review: Being True

Smash Review: Being True

On tonight's Smash, Derek and Tom both make huge leaps forward in their professional abilities. And the help comes from the most unlikely of people: each other.
Posted in: Smash

Reviews Quotes

Yea, thanks. And by thanks I mean, thank you for deciding that I should age, grow old, and probably die from a paper cut. Oh yea, and that I'll never get to do magic again. Because I'm perfect now! Did Professor Lipson tell you? I'm perfectly normal, and we all know magic doesn't come from normal so thank you for deciding that without me.


"You bring home two bands of hippie murderers…"
