Amanda Steinmetz

Amanda Steinmetz

Hello! My name is Amanda, and I’m an east coast girl living in Los Angeles working in the entertainment industry. I’m a pop culture junkie obsessed with TV. Follow me on Twitter @amstein90
Nashville Season 3 Episode 5 Review: Road Happy

Nashville Season 3 Episode 5 Review: Road Happy

On Nashville Season 3 Episode 5, parenting troubles abound as Juliette is faced with the fallout after Avery finds out she's pregnant, and Rayna struggles to be there for her daughters while she's out on the road.
Posted in: Nashville
Nashville Season 3 Episode 1 Review: Who Did Rayna Choose?

Nashville Season Premiere: Who Did Rayna Choose?

On Nashville Season 3, Episode 1, Rayna makes the decision of a lifetime between her new love, Luke, and her old love, Deacon. Juliette must make it through the audition of a lifetime while struggling to keep her emotions together after losing Avery. Scarlett, Gunner, and Avery bond during a roadtrip none of them will forget anytime soon. Will and Layla must decide how to proceed with their marriage and TV show after Will's stunning confession.
Posted in: Nashville