Carter: Can I turn off everything but the blacklights?
DJ: Sure, I don't care about anything
Carter: Cool.
Chris: Wow. This place is gross.
Carter: Yeah. The NBA All-Star Game was in town last week.

Opera music makes violence classy.


Wouldn't it be great if Wes Anderson movies were that short?


Angela: You're fired, Griffin, for destroying company property.
Peter: Tell it to my tongue.

Stop trying to be a clock. You ain't got the face for it.


Lois: What were you thinking writing that Tweet?
Brian: What? It was just a joke.
Lois: Brian, it's not 2005. You can't just go online and say whatever you want.

Cafeteria Kid: Your dog wrote an insensitive Tweet. You can't eat here.
Chris: Uh oh, Meg. It's a sensitivity mob.
Meg: It was just a joke.
Cafeteria Girl: There's no such things as jokes anymore.
Other Cafeteria Boy: Yeah, we live in a post-joke world.

Vladmir Putin: Where is bathroom? I George Brett myself on plane.
Peter: Eww. Gross.

Peter: How do you say friend in Russian?
Putin: There is no Russian word for it.

Russia has all the hottest and ugliest women in the world. All 10's and 1's.


Peter: So what do you do for fun around here? You got DirectTV?
Putin: We have Time-Warner.
Peter: You have HBO?
Putin: We have Starz.
Peter: You have ESPN?
Putin: We have FOX Sports 1.
Peter: That come in HD?
Putin: 420D.
Peter: You got --
Putin: Everything you say, I say something little bit worse.
Peter: You got Simpsons?
Putin: We have Family Guy.
Peter: Ah. I did it to myself.

My little girl's a drunk. Oh my God. Where did we go wrong?


Family Guy Quotes

Aunt Margarite [on her video will]: Lois, you were always my favorite niece; I just knew you would find a wonderful man who would make all your dreams come true. But I was wrong.
Peter: And now you're dead. Score one for Peter

But now that you mention it, your face looks like a used condom.
