19 Left-Handed Characters We Adore

An overlooked and somewhat rare trait that only helps make some of our favorite characters more interesting. We've picked 19 of the best that also happen to be southpaws!

21 Mentors With Feet of Clay

They are the fonts of knowledge we depend on, the guides we trust to teach us all we need to know. But experience means making mistakes or worse. Check it out!

31 Couples Who Accidentally Fell In Love

Somehow, characters often seem to fall for the person they would least expect. We put together a slideshow of 31 couples who accidentally fell in love!

31 Characters Who Surprised Us With Their Amazing Vocals

We all wished we were one of those people who secretly had a phenomenal singing voice, but we aren't. These 31 characters, on the other hand, would crush you at karaoke!

13 Villains With The Hottest Rides

No one said being bad had to be a chore. We have put together a list of 13 bad guys who appreciate only the finest means of transportation.

13 Excellent Partners in Crime Duos

Shenanigans are always more fun when you're pulling them off with a partner. Check out 13 of our favorite partners in crime duos. Did yours make the list?

17 Times a Character Declared Their Love Without Actually Saying It

Do you prove your love with words or actions? We've created a list of 17 times a character said "I love you," without actually saying the words.

40 Best TV Duo Height Differences

There is something aesthetically pleasing about a couple with a height difference, especially a TV duo that has growing feelings for one another. Which perfect couple do you think has the most memorable height difference?

21 Heroes Who Could Never Get Insurance IRL

Saving the world is an admirable pursuit but it is a risky venture. Based on track records and current life factors, here are some of the least-insurable characters.

29 Terrific TV Posses - Membership Not Included!

Who wouldn't want to redefine friendship goals and be a part of these epic television posses? We can't guarantee membership, but you'll want to join ASAP.

19 of the Most Unique Marriage Proposals on Television

On television, the question isn't always asked in the most traditional sense. Check out what we think are 19 of TV's most unique marriage proposals!

17 Most Awkward TV Hugs

Hugs happen in all kinds of relationships on screen, and most of them enhance the connection between the people in it. But then there are those hugs that are just awkward and that you can't even look at.