19 TV Funerals That Punched Us In the Gut

The death of your favorite TV character is never easy, and the send-off can feel a bit like putting a bandaid on a bullet hole. Here are a few of the most gut-wrenching TV funerals we've seen.

19 TV Characters with Mommy Issues

Not all relationships between mother's and children are ideal. Because of bad parenting, these TV characters have plenty of mommy issues dating back to their childhood.

17 Former TV Friends That Should Work Through Their Issues

Friendships have their highs and lows, but it is all about the people in them working through those issues because of how it would benefit the show and the fans.

31 'Ship Teases That Were Downright Cruel

We can't always get what we want. And if we do, well let's be honest, there's usually a catch. Which 'ship teases infuriated your shipper heart?

11 Characters Who Accidentally Cheated on Their Partner

How can you accidentally cheat on your significant other? Television has proven that it's more likely than you would think. Check out 11 characters who did the deed.

29 TV Characters Who Look Good in Orange

Some TV characters are guilty, some are innocent, and some have been framed. But the one thing they all have in common? They can impressively pull off an orange jumpsuit.

13 Love Triangles That Left Us Genuinely Torn

When it comes to love triangles, the majority of the audience is usually rooting for one person or the other. But, then again, that's not always the case.

13 TV Characters Who Should Take a Vow of Silence

Not all TV characters need to talk all the time, in fact, there are a few that we would really appreciate hearing less of at least for a small while.

23 Seemingly Unlikable Characters Who Won Our Hearts

Do you ever start a show absolutely hating a character and then a season later wonder how you could hate someone so perfect? Here are 23 times it happened to us!

19 TV Characters Who Need to Take a Hike

Did you ever wonder what your favorite show would be like without a certain character? More enjoyable probably tops the list. Here are 19 who need to take a hike!

21 Times TV 'Ships Broke Our Hearts

Has your favorite TV couple ever gone through so much angst you felt like you were going through all the pain with them? Here's 21 times it happened to us.

17 TV Characters Who Matured For the Better

It can take seasons or episodes for a character to develop and mature. Most often these changes are prompted by love, life-changing events, or simply age.

Jane the Virgin Quotes

Jane: Oh, I'm no good at this stuff. So, instead of telling you the reasons that I love you, I'm going to tell you the reasons that I don't. I don't love you because you're smart and kind. I don't love you because you're hardworking and competitive and way too defensive.
Michael: I'm not defensive.
Jane: I don't love you because you're incredibly sexy. I love you because you're my best friend and I want to grow old with you. And right now, I am confused about every single thing in my life, except you.

Rafael: No, I really think we've met.
Jane: I don't usually wear clam shells.
Rafael: Oh, the strip club on Piscayne?
Jane: Jerk.