15 Characters On Borrowed Time

Characters die very often on TV shows, but some of them are more predictable than others. Find out the 15 characters we think are going to meet their maker in 2016-2017.

18 TV Gifts Fanatics Wish For You This Holiday Season

Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Tis the season to celebrate friends, family and beautiful memories. Find out inside what our holiday wishes for you include.

Quotables for Week Ending December 9, 2016

We're bringing to you all the quotes gathered by fanatics for the week ending December 9, 2016. Did we decide yours was one to be showcased?

Quotables for Week Ending December 2, 2016

This was a great week for quotes, as viewers fell hard for some from Gilmore Girls, Westworld, the DC Crossover Event and Code Black. We have them all here!

Quotables from Week Ending November 4, 2016

This is a good time for levity in our favorite scripts, as there are a lot of giggles contained in the quotes for the week ending November 4, 2016!

Quotables for Week Ending October 7, 2016

What were the best lines of the first week of October? Scroll through our slideshow and find out! Did your favorites make the list?

13 Morally Bankrupt TV Characters

Some characters just take things a little too far. They're morally bankrupt. And we're here to call them out, dammit!

14 Former Couples Who Should Just Give Up

There are some characters on TV who are better without their former better half. We have a list of 14 former couples that should stay away from one another.

17 Characters Who Should Put A Sock In It

There are some characters on TV that should just stop talking. There's a lot of reasons for this. We have a list of 17 characters who should put a sock in it!

17 Controversial Character Exits

Wait... what? WHY?!? As detailed here, sometimes characters exit TV shows under the most controversial of circumstances.

17 Characters Who Could Use A Nice Dose Of Reality

There are some characters on TV who are very nice and then there are others who just use people for their own personal gain. The latter sort of suck.

Shameless Quotes

Everytime she pees on the stick it's bad news and then I get depressed thinking about my husband banging my mom cause we selfishly wanna have a baby with some of our DNA.


Gus: See you at two.
Fiona: Wouldn't miss it.