17 Endgame 'Ships We Love With Endings We Hate

We may be happy our OTP ended up together, but that doesn't mean we're happy with how it went down. We created a list of 17 ships we love with endings that we hate.

13 TV Shows That Need To Crossover

When you're a TV fanatic you love A LOT of different shows. Who else wants them all to come together so your favorite television characters can meet?

31 Couples Who Inspired Each Other's Inner Comedian

The best couples are always the ones who can make each other LOL no matter what's going on around them. Find someone who you can laugh with during the apocalypse!

17 Shows that Aged like Fine Wine

Shows either shine brightly throughout their entire airing, or fizzle out and continue beyond their glory days. Find out which TV shows stayed strong until the very end!

17 Times Labor Went Above and Beyond the Pain

Even when they're in labor, female characters can't catch a break. Check out 17 times TV decided to make giving birth even more complicated.

21 Male Characters Who Couldn't Take No for an Answer

No means no. What is there not to get? We created a list of 21 male TV characters who seem to have trouble grasping this very basic concept.

17 TV Couples Who Are All About PDA

There's a lot of ways to show you love someone whether it's done in private or in a more public setting. How do your favorite couples show their affection?

37 TV Characters Who Would Rain on Your Parade

Who doesn't want to have a good time at a parade or any other social gathering? Unfortunately, there are some television characters who will spoil the fun for everyone.

31 Characters Who Fail at Being "Just Friends"

When you're meant to be, you're meant to be. No matter how hard these 31 characters may try, they'll always be a lot more than "just friends!"

11 Declarations of Love That Slipped Out By Accident

As much as we want them to, love confessions don't always happen at the right moment. Check out 11 times someone accidentally dropped the L-bomb!

19 Relationships That Were Ruined By Infidelity

Cheating happens far too often both on television and in real life. We created a list of 19 relationships that were ruined by the unforgivable deed.

23 Best First Kisses of All Time

Not everyone watches TV for the romance, but it sure does make it a lot more fun! We've crafted a list of the 23 best kisses of all time. Did your favorite make the list?

The Office Quotes

Pam: So I closed the door but the image of his...
Jim: Baquette.
Pam: ... dangling participle...
Jim: Eww.
Pam: ... still burned in my eyes.
Jim: I can imagine.

Mike gave me a list of his top ten Springsteen songs. Three of them were Huey Lewis and the News. One was Tracy Chapman, Fast Car. And my personal favorite, Short People.
