17 Songs We Hear on TV Over and Over Again

Did you like that song you heard playing in the background of that TV episode? Hope so because it's likely you will be hearing that song again and again and again.

13 Characters Who Deserve Better Than Their Love Interest

For some reason, incredible television characters sometimes end up in relationships with horrible people. Do any of your favorites deserve better romances?

21 TV Couples Threatened by a Parent's Disapproval

If a parent is determined enough, they can get in the way of even the strongest relationships. We created a list of 21 couples who were faced with parental disapproval.

13 Romances Ruined By Age

"Age is just a number," isn't an excuse to root for inappropriate couples. We created a list of 13 ships we couldn't get on board due to an age difference.

17 TV Couples Who Are All About PDA

There's a lot of ways to show you love someone whether it's done in private or in a more public setting. How do your favorite couples show their affection?

19 Times Love Unleashed Evil

Love doesn't always change a person for the better. We created a list of 19 characters who abandoned their conscience for the person that they loved.

37 TV Characters Who Would Rain on Your Parade

Who doesn't want to have a good time at a parade or any other social gathering? Unfortunately, there are some television characters who will spoil the fun for everyone.

19 Characters Whose Chemistry Could Set Off Fireworks

Chemistry is that "thing" between two characters that is so electric, it cannot be ignored. The chemistry between these characters could set off fireworks!

41 TV Characters With Slamming Hot Bods

Television is full of beautiful people, and there are some that can't help but show off their incredibly hot bods. Who makes us drool? Check out our list.

31 Characters Who Fail at Being "Just Friends"

When you're meant to be, you're meant to be. No matter how hard these 31 characters may try, they'll always be a lot more than "just friends!"

13 Characters Who Ruined the Moment

Why do characters always have to walk in on our favorite couples at the worst moment? Check out 13 characters who interrupted the best scenes!

17 Ships That Will Never Sail, But Should

Television doesn't always go into the direction that we want it to. Are there any couples you've given up on? Or do you think they still have a fair chance?