19 TV Show References That Help Us Through Life

Whether it's a reference used throughout seasons or a quick one-timer these have certainly helped us through hard times and have made the funny times funnier.

21 TV Shows That Explore the Unexplained

Strange and unexplained occurrences happen in both the real and television worlds all the time. Whether you believe or not, these shows will keep you guessing.

23 TV Characters Who Need to Kick Their Love Life into High Gear

Love is a fickle thing, but for some, it's almost non-existent. These 23 characters need to kick their love life into high gear and find the love they deserve!

19 Scenes Elevated by Song Choice

Music can be highly influential in how we feel about scenes and events. Here are some of our favorite scenes that were enhanced by the music choice.

21 Characters Who Use Sarcasm as a Weapon

Sarcasm can be a cutting rhetorical device, and some characters know just how to use it to there advantage. Here are 13 characters who use sarcasm as a weapon.

23 TV Characters Who Are Magically Delicious

Television is full of delicious characters, but the ones who have magical powers are the tastiest of all. Here are 23 characters who fit the bill.

13 TV Fathers Who Celebrated Too Soon

Congratulations, TV Dad, the child you longed for or at least begrudgingly tolerated the idea of is -- Wait, nevermind, it turns out this child is not yours after all.

13 TV Dads Who Didn't Live Long Enough To Meet Their Child

Here's to the TV Dads who were never given the opportunity to see their child's first steps, to guide them through life, or watch their kid take on the world.

21 TV Characters Who Dated Out of Their League

Some TV characters strive for more than they deserve. Many end up in relationships where they're getting the better end of the deal. Here are 21.

21 of the Most Epic Relationship Upgrades

In order to be an official couple, every ship has to change their relationship status at some point. What was your favorite relationship upgrade?

13 Ship Moments Featuring the "Hands on Approach"

When two characters have chemistry, teaching moments are usually about a lot more than just showcasing a talent. Check out 13 lessons that got hands-on!

23 Couples Who Kept Their Relationship On the DL

Usually, there's a good reason for a TV couple not to go public with their relationship. Check out 23 couples who kept their love on the down-low!