Charlie: Don't underestimate the value of having a prescription pad lying around the house.
Alan: Charlie!!!
Charlie: In case someone gets sick...or bored

Alan: Jake's a sound sleeper.
Charlie: Yeah, nothing wakes that kid up. And I've had some real screamers at my place.

Alan: Jake's happy being an only child.
Charlie: If there was a new one I think he'd probably eat it by mistake

A bribable child is a controllable child


Alan: Why did you run away?
Jake: Because I hate it there!
Alan: Is this about the upcoming nuptials?
Jake: It's nothing to do with puberty, dad. It's about mom getting married

Judith: Would you wait in the car, please?
Jake: Who's in trouble, me or dad?
Judith: Nobody's in trouble.
Jake [to Alan]: It's you

Charlie: Don't be mean to your mother.
Jake: You're mean to your mom all the ti..
Charlie: My mother can take it. My mother feeds on it.

Alan: Marriage is like skydiving. You have to jump out of the old plane...
Charlie: And get sucked into the old propeller.
Alan:...A propeller of love

Alan: Herb, you haven't touched your beer.
Herb: Oh, well I'm not too much of a drinker.
Charlie: So let's have a drinking game: Whenever Alan gives me a strange look, we all have a drink. [Alan stares at him]
Charlie: Whoops, let's just start it

I need to start carrying my own weight, which is actually getting easier now that I'm wasting away


In my entire life, Chester is the only living thing I ever slept with that didn't sue me for alimony


Jake: What do I have to do for you?
Charlie: Just promise to be sad at my funeral.
Jake: Do I have to cry?
Charlie: No.
Jake: Will there be food?
Charlie: Yes.
Jake: Can I bring a date?
Charlie: You're just screwing with me now, right?
Jake: How does it feel?

Two and a Half Men Season 4 Quotes

Jake: Even though Mom stopped loving you and Kandi stopped loving you, you don't have to worry about me.
Alan: Thanks, pal!
Jake: You're my dad. I pretty much gotta love you.

Alan: Listen, I-- I really need to talk to you. Can you come downstairs?
Charlie: Sure. Give me... an hour and a half.
Alan: An hour and a half?
Charlie: I know it's a little rushed, but we're on a tight schedule here! Tina's got homework, Cindy's got to meet her fiancé, and Marie... well, Marie's on the clock.
Alan: You already had two women in bed and you felt the need to call a professional?
Charlie: Better safe than sorry.