How to Get Away with Murder News

TGIT Return Delayed: Find Out Why!

TGIT Return Delayed: Find Out Why!

Scandal, How to Get Away with Murder and Grey's Anatomy are returning later than planned, but just how later are they returning? We have the details you need.
Posted in: TV News
ABC Announces Return of TGIT!

ABC Announces Return of TGIT!

TGIT is returning to ABC sooner than you may think, and we have all the details you need about when to expect your favorite shows back on the air.
Posted in: TV News
ABC Cheat Sheet: What Will Be Canceled?

ABC Cheat Sheet: What Will Be Canceled?

ABC has a lot of decisions to make as we get closer to mid-season, but what will be canceled? These facts and figures will help us make a prediction.
Posted in: ABC

How to Get Away with Murder Quotes

You've never been raped, have you? Because I have been. By him, before him, as a child. And the memory of that is worse than what happens to you. So yes, I helped put them to sleep. But only so they wouldn't have the memories.

Jackie [to Annalise]

If it doesn't fit, you must acquit.
