"November 11, 2008"

As Jake prepares the cameras and audio for the podcast, Eric talks about how thrilling it will be for Rick. Thorne barges in as Jake lea...

"December 2, 2008"

As Taylor welcomes Phoebe home, she boasts that it will be a lot easier now that she's no longer sharing a bed with Rick. Seeing her mot...

"December 10, 2008"

Guilt-ridden after Phoebe' death, Rick stuns his mother with the revelation that he lied when he claimed that Ridge attacked him. He adm...

"November 4, 2008"

Taylor gets Ridge to admit how much fun it was playing tennis with the kids. When he hints he may not be here tonight, Taylor reminds hi...

"November 18, 2008"

Brooke stops by the mansion and finds Stephanie there. She asks her when she's going to move out so that Donna can be with her husband. ...

"November 19, 2008"

Rick confirms for his mother, Marcus and Katie that he's getting better and then tells then that he needs to know he has their support. ...

"December 11, 2008"

Rick confesses to Eric that he is responsible for Phoebe's death. Eric tries to calm him but Rick admits he manipulated everyone to oust...

"December 30, 2008"

As the family gathers in the conference room, Eric thanks everyone for a nice Christmas - then stuns them with the news that he and Steph...

"December 9, 2008"

Finding her father is back from telling Taylor that Phoebe has died, Steffy regrets she didn't accompany him so she could help him. Ridg...

"January 7, 2009"

Sending Pam to check on suppliers, Owen tries to calm Donna. She is curious when she watches Owen flirt with Bridget, and after Owen lea...

The Bold and the Beautiful Quotes

Stephanie: You think this is all my fault? You have brought this on yourself.
Brooke: All I ever did, Stephanie, was to love Ridge.
Stephanie: And his father, and his brother, and your son-in-law. Is it any wonder Bridget is confused? I mean, is it any wonder your daughter would confuse natural feelings of respect and affection for romance? You have blurred the lines of socially-acceptable behaviour. And you stand here and you tell me you're proud. What are you proud of? Having your son-in-law's baby? I know what you're proud of. Chasing after a man whose wife's body is barely cold in the ground.

Brooke Logan Forrester is nobody's fool, nobody's.
