45 Characters Getting Coal for Christmas

Naughty or nice? We put together a list of characters that have been so bad this year they deserve nothing more than a lump of coal in their stockings.

27 Shows That Will Warm Your Cold, Dead Heart!

There's nothing wrong with a little emotional television, and when it comes to these series, no one is exempt from the feels. So give in already and check out our list!

38 Hottest 'Ships of Fall 2018!

Are you a 'shipper? If so, we have a list of the hottest 'ships of the Fall season we couldn't get enough of. Find out if your favorites made the list inside!

A Million Little Things Photos from "Fight or Flight"

The A Million Little Things gang are having an event, but with news of Maggie's secret out and Katherine bringing a date, will it be awkward? Check out the stills inside!

13 Minor Characters We Adore

Not every character can have the spotlight, but sometimes minor characters steal our hearts! Here are our picks for the top minor characters.

27 TV Characters Who Would Host a Mean Dinner Party

There's nothing like bonding with a friend or TV character over a good meal. We'd love these characters to send us a dinner invitation, pronto!

2018 Fall Pick-up and Cancelation Scorecard

Have your favorite shows of the fall season been picked up or knocked off the schedule? You can find out right here with our handy scorecard.

A Million Little Things photos from " Friday Night Dinner"

We're about to learn more about Delilah on A Million Little Things Season 1 Episode 4 including meeting her father played by guest-star, Gerald McRaney. Check it out!

13 Shows That Handled Sensitive Topics Gracefully

TV is entertaining, but the best shows address issues we or someone we love have faced. Here are the top 13 shows to treat sensitive issues with the respect they deserve.

A Million Little Things photos from "Pilot"

So many things, it's a million little things. The premiere of the most talked about and highly-anticipated new fall show is nearly here. Get your first look inside!

27 of our Favorite Out and Proud LGBTQ 'Ships

In honor of Pride Month, we're taking a look at our favorite LGBTQ+ 'ships. We've narrowed it down to 27. Did your favorite couple make the list?

27 Saddest TV Deaths EVER

There are a lot of deaths on television; when they are done well, they leave those around them gasping for breath and viewers right along with them.

A Million Little Things Quotes

Dr. Martin: Sorry to keep you waiting, Gary. Just wanted to review your X-Ray. It's in line with what I was expecting.
Gary: Wow, doc, the suspense is killing me. Is anything else killing me?
Dr. Martin: The fact is, [takes phone call] Dr. Martin. I was very clear, balsamic vinaigrette. Yes, they do. I get salad there three days a week. Next to the edamame. Are you looking at the edamame? That brownish liquid next to the edamame is called--
Gary: Sorry, don't mean to interrupt what sounds like a super important salad conversation. I just have one quick question: is my cancer back?

Today is the day. I can't be in this marriage anymore. I want to be with you.
