73 Couples We'll Happily Go to Hell 'Shipping!

We're breaking down some controversial, unpopular, and toxic 'ships we unapologetically love. Check out our list featuring The 100, Shadowhunters, Grey's Anatomy & more!

21 TV Couples Threatened by a Parent's Disapproval

If a parent is determined enough, they can get in the way of even the strongest relationships. We created a list of 21 couples who were faced with parental disapproval.

21 TV Characters Who Dated Out of Their League

Some TV characters strive for more than they deserve. Many end up in relationships where they're getting the better end of the deal. Here are 21.

17 TV Couples Who Shouldn't Have Been Endgame

The show may have ended, but odds are, you're probably still not over it. Which television couples do you think shouldn't have ended up together?

23 Times We Wanted Lovers to Forgive The Unforgivable

Shippers are loyal, supporting their ship through thick and thin. Sometimes, one half of a ship does something truly unforgivable. Yet, we inexplicably find ourselves forgiving as we hope and pray for a reconciliation.

17 Women of TV Who Would Win a Bar Fight

We love seeing the badass female characters featured on television these days. Here are 17 women of TV who would definitely win in a bar fight!

How 17 Jewish TV Characters Might Spend the High Holidays

How our favorite Jewish characters, past and present, are spending Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur? Check out our educated guesses, and see if you agree!

15 Male Characters That Define The Nice Guy Syndrome

Some male characters are perfect examples of the Nice Guy Syndrome with qualities that are meant to come off nice but are mostly entitled. Do you agree with these?

17 Starcrossed Couples Who Can't Catch a Break

If you have ever watched two people, clearly in love, dance around the idea of being together you know what I'm talking about. These TV non-couples are beautifully frustrating.

15 Times TV Sent Us to an Alternate Reality

TV can take us anywhere, including the alternate realities and parallel universes of characters we love. Where would you like to go today? Check our list!

19 Ladies Who Tamed TV's Bad Boys

We know all about the bad boys. Let's celebrate the ladies who whipped them in to shape! Read on for our list of awesome women who reformed TV's most broken men.

17 TV Episodes To Watch When You Need a Good Cry

Sometimes you really need a good cry, and these 17 TV episodes are guaranteed to make you shed a few tears.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Quotes

Cordelia: You'll be okay here. If you hang with me and mine, you'll be accepted in no time. Of course, we do have to test your coolness factor. You're from L.A., so you can skip the written. So let's see...vamp nail polish?
Buffy: Over?
Cordelia: So over. James Spader?
Buffy: He needs to call me!
Cordelia: Frappachinos?
Buffy: Trendy but tasty.
Cordelia: Josh Tesh.
Buffy: The devil.
Cordelia: That was pretty much a gimme, but you passed!

Joyce: Okay, have a good time! I know you're going to make friends right away, just think positive.
[Buffy leaves the car]
Joyce: And honey...
[Buffy turns around]
Joyce: Try not to get kicked out.
Buffy: I promise.