35 Worthy Contenders if Emmy Recognition was Fair!

The Primetime Emmy's are an honor bestowed upon talented actors and exceptional series, but they're often imbalanced. Check out a list of worthy but deprived contenders!

19 of the Most Unique Marriage Proposals on Television

On television, the question isn't always asked in the most traditional sense. Check out what we think are 19 of TV's most unique marriage proposals!

27 of our Favorite Out and Proud LGBTQ 'Ships

In honor of Pride Month, we're taking a look at our favorite LGBTQ+ 'ships. We've narrowed it down to 27. Did your favorite couple make the list?

13 Tear-Jerkers To Watch While You Wait For This Is Us Season 3

While you wait for This Is Us to return, considering these shows to help fill your emotionak void.

15 Characters Who are Born Fixers

We know of a new career path for these characters! Whether it be their own or their loved one's messes, they always cleaning up. And not just their homes.

15 Times TV Shows Brought Us to Tears

Is there any better indicator that a show you wrapped around their finger than when they make you weep? We admit being driven to tears on multiple occasions. Read on!

16 Relationships That Won Our Hearts

What are the best relationships from the recent season? Look no further than the slideshow inside to 16 we love as much as they love each other.

Quotables for Week Ending April 14, 2017

It's April! Another week, another big finale. Who bit the dust? Who made us worry? What shows entered alternative timelines? Figure it out with by the quotes inside.

15 TV Characters in Need of Some Mom Time

Sometimes you just need your mother, right? These characters are in desperate need of "mom time" to fix their attitudes and poor decisions.

Quotables for Week Ending April 7, 2017

Hold onto your hats, you guys, because here come the most quotable moments of the week ending April 7, 2017! Be still your beating hearts.

Quotables for Week Ending March 31, 2017

As we said goodbye to two beloved long-running series, check out some of the best-said words on television for the week ending March 31, 2017.

Quotables for Week Ending March 24, 2017

Empire returned, there was a Supergirl/Flash musical. What else could be found during the week that brought happiness to our ears? Check out the most quotable moments.