13 Funniest Shows of 2018

It is said that laughter is the best medicine, and in 2018, there were more than a few shows that tickled our funny bone. Here are our favorites!

17 'Ships That Need to Sail in 2019

There are some relationships that just really need to get a move on. With 2018 coming to a close, we listed 17 'ships that need to sail during the new year!

23 TV Families We'd Like to Spend the Holidays With

Holidays are stressful. Families are even more so. So escape with us to idyllic holiday shenanigans with our favorite, (mostly) functional television clans.

21 Brilliant TV Minds Who Could be the Next Supreme Court Justice

Who should be a Supreme Court Justice? These characters may not be the conventional choices, but you can trust them to make good decisions.

31 Characters Who Surprised Us With Their Amazing Vocals

We all wished we were one of those people who secretly had a phenomenal singing voice, but we aren't. These 31 characters, on the other hand, would crush you at karaoke!

31 of the Finest Gentlemen on Television

There are plenty of hot men on television, but it's the true gents that really set our souls on fire. Here are 37 men we think fit the bill.

Road-Tripping or Road Rage? 11 Characters We'd Want to Take the Wheel (and 5 We WOULDN'T)

Road trips have the appeal of completely undefined potential. Here are a few characters who could make that adventure a dream come true ... or a real-life nightmare.

25 Top Broadcast Scripted Shows from the 2017-18 Season

Did your favorite show make the cut to be one of the top 25 scripted offerings on the broadcast networks during the 2017-2018 season? Read on to find out!

Renewal Scorecard 2018-2019: What's Coming Back?

Which shows are coming back during the 2018-2019 season? We have a complete list that includes shows from the broadcast, cable and even streaming networks. Read on!

13 TV Characters Who Need Some Extra TLC

Don't pop the champagne for these TV characters. It's been a rough year! Instead of a glass of bubbly, they'd rather have a hug. Find out who inside!

15 TV Characters on Santa's Naughty List

Santa checked his list and found that some TV characters deserve nothing but coal in their stockings! Find out who made the naughty list inside!

22 Times TV Made Us Grin From Ear to Ear

Is there anything better than watching TV with a big ol' smile on your face? Yeah, we don't think so either. Here's a roundup of recent times we couldn't stop grinning.

The Orville Quotes

Mercer: I know Gordon has his issues but we all know that there's nobody that can drive a starship like him.
Admiral: Didn't he once draw a penis on the main viewing screen of Outpost T-85?
Mercer: He's drawn a lot of penises on a lot of things.

Mercer: I've had some personal stuff that's been going on... It's not really worth going into... Can I have one of these mints?
Admiral: Those are marbles.