Yo yo yo, what's the hot topic on The View today, ladies

It was only four hours. I tipped over a paint can, and threw up a little. I think 'thanks' just about covers it.

I'm like a boxer before a fight, that's why I didn't have sex with Claire last night.

Our daughter might be going to college!!!

Phil: We're like two peas in a pod, or Siamese twins, a snake with two heads!
Claire: They've actually been all those things for Halloween.

Phil: Dad, what's up?
Frank: Nothing, but these boxers are starting to ride high.
Phil: I'm in no mood for jokes... although that was a good one. You still got it.

A relationship with your father-in-law is tough. You need to prove you can stand up to him, while being respectful. It's like walking a tightrope, which by the way I can do, because I went to trapeze school.

I'm gonna introduce him to the Captain... and Tenille.

Claire: They're getting more in next week.
Phil: Next week? That's like the worst thing you can say to an early adopter.

Maybe you should come to the doctor and I'll ... get rid of it!

Phil: It's like a movie theater, library and a music store all rolled in to one... awesome pad.
Alex [to Haley]: A library is a place where people get books
Haley [to Alex]: A movie theater is a place where people go on dates.

Wait so you're telling me this call isn't coming from inside the house?

Modern Family Quotes

You could pretend to get sick at the table. You know cough, stomachache, dealer's choice, I don't care just sell it.


Thank you Uncle Manny!
